Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor April 26, 2020 A short explanation about 5G frequency. Lambda = Meter C =Mete...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor
April 26, 2020
A short explanation about 5G frequency.
Lambda = Meter C =Meter / Second F = Hertz
C = 1 / F = 60 GHz = Lambda (wavelength/Meter) = 0.000 000 000 016 metres = 0.016nm
This calculation is based on a SINUS wave.
See also the radiation table in the picture.
However, SINUS wave cannot be used with 5G, it will have to be digital to transport the info in code.
So it will be a block frequency to make 5G work.
When sending block waves, you have a steep rising and steep falling power on moment.
This causes a ripple voltage (Magnetic field) that is much higher than the source frequency. (Harmonic)
The higher the frequency, the much less the voltage or field strength of the signal needs to be.
We consist for 66% of water, of this 66% H2O 33% Hydrogen with 1 Electron is bound together with 66% Oxygen, which consists of a nucleus surrounded by 8 Electrons, of which 6 are free electrons that can escape.
Then 44% of the 66% water of which we consist is oxygen as 2/3 part of the water in our body, which forms the organs with carbon.
Because of the high radiation of 5G the electrons of the oxygen atoms are ionized, which means that of the free electrons in the outer ring the number of 6 changes.
Then it is no longer an atom of oxygen but another chemical compound that together with the bonded hydrogen atom has another property as water.
With this I conclude that with the radiation we slowly poison from the inside by this Genocide radiation.
An important factor for us humans is our immune system, the older we get, the more this decreases with age.
But also the mass is important here, children have a smaller volume so despite the faster recovery they will still be slowly poisoned.
Birds that fall dead from the sky: they have a smaller volume, apart from the fact that the oxygen atoms in their system change, they also absorb the radiation energy, blood and weeks organs can rise in temperature, above 42 degrees Celsius the white blood corpuscles clot.
Then there is no more oxygen supply to their brains and they fall boiled inside dead from the air.
From an insider telecom employee I got the info that with a test with 1 kilo of meat gives, this after 15 minutes with 8 degrees Celsius temperature had risen.
So the death of the Chinese in Wuhan was caused by switching on 5G.
How are you going to explain this to the rest of the world, it was a script from the Cabal, to link a virus to it.
The whole world is locked where the Cabal members are in power.
By shutting down the economy, they couldn't get rid of the oil on the paving stones.
The result is the collapse of the oil price.
Now that the oil is sold below the production price, many banks are unable to collect the loans as derivatives, because no money is coming in.
This is again disastrous for the Petro Dollar which has been printed so massively that it no longer has any value.
We see which people and companies are trying to dominate in order to vaccinate people.
Anyone who is so stupid and gets vaccinated, will unfortunately die quickly, partly because of 5G.
Every satanic head of government who wants to perpetuate his daily Corona lie is guilty of rolling out Agenda 21 genocide.
They are the same politicians who now have many 5G masts installed during Lock Down.
It's all about control and causing as much Chaos as possible, that's why migrants from a low IQ and terrible ISLAM culture are used to oppress the original population.
The police, as a force for law and order, allow themselves to be misled by the political fascists, and commit treason against their own population, because they follow the orders of the satanists.
People have been appointed for this purpose who are not willing or able to think for themselves.
It does not take away, a crime is and remains a crime, an order or no order, he who carries out this crime can never rely on the order he has followed from his superiors.
Why people now take matters into their own hands and set fire to 5G masts is because fascists in politics and telecom companies deliberately do not listen.
There are several networks that work as data infrastructure, the copper network, fiber optic network, also the emergency network that runs along the railroad tracks, and radio-relay connections.
Whatever telecom provider sells its services, it needs a network to offer its service.
This network is so extensive that it cannot be secured against the destruction of anxious populations.
They are distribution boxes that can easily be pulled over, pylons can burn or be pulled over.
Is this punishable?
Of course it is if you have a valid legal system, which is not applicable in many countries, due to abuse of power by governments.
Every human being has the right to self-defense in case of danger to his own life or that of his loved ones in the form of a customary right.
Dear people share this information with everyone because it concerns your health, which is priceless.
Politicians and telecom companies who say that 5G is not a danger to public health are lying out of their own interest.
The MSM rats who want you to believe otherwise, it's scum to keep an awakening population asleep.
Their defense is that we are conspiracy thinkers, then it wouldn't be a problem if they take their shot of Bill Gates first and let themselves be beamed to death, we are equal to a lot of idiots.
The first volunteer in the British coronavirus vaccine research died
Long story in short:
Don't let 5G boil you.
Don't get vaccinated by government coercion.
Don't take an app to give the fascists control of you.
Don't follow any instructions from the Pedophile government.
Tell other people who are still unsuspecting what to expect if he is not on his guard.
The bankruptcy of the central bank debt system, is necessary to free the world's population from the oppressive satanists.
They will be shut out of the new system by GESARA, and lose their power.
This will have a transition period as many people of the government will now experience for themselves that they have lost control.
All crimes will become known that governments have on their conscience, this means that many of their own employees within the government will stop the people from enforcing their regulations and fake laws.
It is clear how we have been systematically misled in the past.
As it is about our future, we take control in our own hands.
The way politics is now, it will never again be that the population has to slavishly obey a bunch of abusers and Bilderberg rats.
That is why a local governor (mayor) will have to be elected who, by local referendum, implements the policy that the people are asking for.
Instead of an unwieldy fascist structure from top down, there will be a board of bottom up by appointed governor who will implement the measures they are ordered by the population.
If they fail, they will be immediately replaced by capable people, and not how we should experience low IQ sufferers with their own interests.
Anyone who asserts otherwise may gladly refute it in an understandable way.
That's always a fixed slogan of politics, we haven't explained it properly, and then never explain it.
They are dirty Nazis Rats in Western politics.
All Satanists have declared themselves outlaws.
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