Reader Post | Tiffany In Response to: One Person Dies, the World Stops? -- Anna Von Reitz Dear All, I have been reading most of your...
Reader Post | Tiffany
In Response to: One Person Dies, the World Stops? -- Anna Von Reitz
Dear All,
I have been reading most of your articles with interest for a long time. Now, Mrs Von Reiz should - however - check her sources better before talking about the coronavirus. It is not a matter of a simple flu, and the US will soon have their own experience, and it is not a matter of how many people with pregressed conditions die. It is a matter of FAST contagiousness (1 person spread it to at least 15 in the clink of an eye) which brings hospitals and the medical system apparatus to their knees, not being able to cure everyone especially those who needs ventilation to overcome the Covid-19 aka coronavirus.
Either you try to learn from other countries' experience who are struggling with it - or you will go through the school of hard knocks (considering many will die not having access to public health care).
All the best and good luck!
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In Response to: One Person Dies, the World Stops? -- Anna Von Reitz
Dear All,
I have been reading most of your articles with interest for a long time. Now, Mrs Von Reiz should - however - check her sources better before talking about the coronavirus. It is not a matter of a simple flu, and the US will soon have their own experience, and it is not a matter of how many people with pregressed conditions die. It is a matter of FAST contagiousness (1 person spread it to at least 15 in the clink of an eye) which brings hospitals and the medical system apparatus to their knees, not being able to cure everyone especially those who needs ventilation to overcome the Covid-19 aka coronavirus.
Either you try to learn from other countries' experience who are struggling with it - or you will go through the school of hard knocks (considering many will die not having access to public health care).
All the best and good luck!
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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