Con Air Starring Cyrus ‘The Virus’ Grissom March 13, 2020 Operation Disclosure | By Grant Ouellette Con Air (1997): John Malkovic...

Con Air Starring Cyrus ‘The Virus’ Grissom
March 13, 2020
Operation Disclosure | By Grant Ouellette
Con Air (1997):
John Malkovich as Cyrus the Virus (Mal = bad in French; King Cyrus the Great of Persia; Billygoat Ray and Miley Cyrus)
St. Nicolas Caged as Cameron Poe (Cameron = Scottish or Gaelic for crooked river = water symbolism)
John Cusack as Vince Larkin (John = the Sun; Q-sack; JC for Jesus Christ; Lark-in => bird reference)
Steve Buscemi as Garland Greene (GG = 77; garland = wreath (circle) of flowers worn on the head like the crown of roses worn by Iesa Christos, the Irish Sun King, which was spun to be a crown of thorns)
Ving Rhames as Diamond Dog (44=DD => Diamond Dogs = David Bowie’s 1974 song, album and tour with the controversial cover artwork of a half-man half-dog, and opening lyrics: As they pulled you out of the oxygen tent You asked for the latest party)
Colm Meaney as Duncan Malloy (Mal = bad; he plays a meanie)
Renoly Santiago as Sally-Can’t-Dance (Ren-holy Santa: born a physical woman, acting as a man who is acting as a TG as the Trans Am gets crushed at the casino entrance; the Lou Reed song Sally Can’t Dance)
Dave Chappelle as Pinball (as in the game)
Danny Trejo as Johnny-23 (23 roses tattooed on his arm; Dan => An as is Anaconda; Trejo =>3 ho = ho, ho, ho)
John Roselius as Devers (the third John = Sun; another rose reference (Rosicrucian))
Mykelti Williamson as Baby-O (Oh! Baby! My-Celt Will I am son)
Rachel Ticotin as Guard Sally Bishop (Rachel in the Bible; can easily see ‘ricin’ the potent toxin in the RT name)
William Bedford as Billy Bedlam (BBB = 222; Billy => goat)
Con is to scam, to swindle.
Air is 1 of the 4 astrological signs: air (wind), earth, water and fire.
Plot Summary —
Cameron Poe is an Army Ranger who upon going home to his pregnant wife gets into a bar-fight with 3 men. He kills the 1 who threatens him with a knife – the other 2 run away with the weapon. Cameron is convicted of manslaughter. After 8 years he is paroled and catches a ride on the prison plane ‘Jailbird’. While in flight a pre-planned fight breaks out and 2 dangerous criminals, Diamond Dog and Cyrus the Virus Grissom, break out of their restraints and take over the plane.
Cyrus the Virus: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I have the only gun on board. Welcome to Con Air.
Poe alerts the authorities that the plane will land at the small isolated Lerner airfield. The Virus leads them on a wild goose chase.
The movie is an analogy of the Earth Project. The Earth Plane is represented by the plane and humanity and other sentient beings are represented by the passengers. There are entities outside of the plane that have ultimate control of the plane and are part of the script. There is a war between good and evil with both light and dark players. The dark hold the light players prisoner on the (Earth) plane. This is recapped in this quote when the director stops in the middle of the movie and tells those who have lost track what is happening:
Cameron Poe: They somehow managed to get every creep and freak in the universe onto this one plane – and then somehow managed to let them take it over – and then somehow managed to stick us right smack in the middle.
There are rules to the Earth (polarity integration) game:
Guard Falzon: Well, welcome aboard. My, my; as I look around I see a lot of celebrities among us. I see 11 Current Affairs, 2 Hard Copies and a genuine Geraldo interviewee. But I gotta tell you gentleman, (re Diamond Dog), none of this impresses me. Because we have rules on this aircraft (Earth plane) and they’re going to be enforced. It’s a lot like kindergarten. You’ll keep your hands to yourself, keep the decibel level down and, if any of you should feel the need to scream, spit, or bite, you get the treatment.
The plane lands at Lerner air field symbolizing the ‘learner’ aspect of the Earth game.
Truth about some corporate government agents is given:
Agent Simms: I’m DEA. You know what that means?
Pinball: It means you’re the most crooked man on the plane!
And we learn synonyms for ‘wordy’:
Vince Larkin: [to Sims] We pick up Mr. Cindino in Carson City (note the CCC and Cindino => cinder => fire). From then until the plane hits Alabama, we've got 2 hours to get him to talk. We got you a seat right next to him, and he's known to be somewhat garrulous in the company of thieves. Duncan Malloy: Garrulous? What the flip is garrulous? Vince Larkin: That would be loquacious, verbose, effusive. How about “chatty”? Duncan Malloy: [to Devers] What's with Dictionary Boy? Vince Larkin: “Thesaurus Boy”, I think, is more appropriate.
DEA agent Simms had a hidden gun and The Virus kills him because he didn’t know Sun Tzu’s Art of War: If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight. The Virus was stronger, superior to Simms. Simms took a strike at what was strong; war tactics are to strike at what is weak.
There’s a rabbit-punch scene:
Cyrus Grissom: Make a move and the bunny gets it.
Cameron Poe: Put … the bunny … back … in the … box.
Ask and you shall receive. Cameron asks for help from outside the plane and Angel Larkin swoops in with the meanie.
Cameron saves the female guard from becoming the 24th rose.
Crazy’s included:
Have you lost your mind?
Cyrus: According to my last psych evaluation, yes.
Garland: He’s a font of misplaced rage.
A definition of insanity is given:
Garland Greene: Now you’re talking semantics. What if I told you insane was working 50 hours a week in some office for 50 years at the end of which they tell you to piss off: ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn’t you consider that to be insane?
The crazy idea of taking down the plane (stopping the Earth Project) is incorporated when the meanie attempts to shoot down the plane, however Larkin intervenes and with divine timing Cameron manages to take control of the plane.
The Jailbird misses the tower at 2000 Las Vegas Blvd S, but wings the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino guitar sign at 4455 Paradise Rd and crash-lands into the Sands’ lobby at 3355 Las Vegas Blvd S. (Note the multiples of 11.)
Diamond Dog dies in a fire truck fire. The Virus is Caged as Cyrus gets a forehead food-stamp and becomes benign. Larkin flies. Cameron completes his hero’s journey – he learns to trust a stranger, and is gifted with family reunification as he gives his daughter the birthday bunny.
Garland Greene gambles – umbrella drink in hand.
Cleaners arrive on the plane.
Have a peaceful flight.
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