Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Hi Dinarlandia, First, thank you Sierra NZ for the amazing work you do with your great, up-to-the-m...
Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat

Hi Dinarlandia,
First, thank you Sierra NZ for the amazing work you do with your great, up-to-the-minute posts about Q and what's happening on Twitter. I deeply appreciate it because I don't Twitter or facebook.
"Rig for Red: It's Go Time" by Sierra (NZ) - 3.31.20
I pray your conclusions are correct, and that we're a go.
I wanted to verify Sierra's latest post about a potential blackout of cell phones and internet for 3 days and the reason why it's necessary to re-wire and re-boot the internet, after removing dark nodes / spyware, as well as some of the plans for the arrests; with an abridged transcription from David Wilcock's latest video on the subject:
3-29-20 David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture!

1:39 "I never thought I’d be able to talk about this briefing… the final stage involves about 3-days without Regular phone or internet… you can make emergency calls 9-11… and they want you to know about this so you don’t freak out… there will be the Emergency Broadcast System…

1:40 During these 3 days they believe they will be getting everybody… they’ve got it all planned out… probably will get it done in 3 days…
From Corey Goode text: “With the Virus scenario they may not need to take comm’s down or shut down electricity in regions… we are not hearing they will turn off electricity and that’s very important… this virus, the cabal’s last ditch effort… may be the perfect screen to do the arrests… I am also hearing that there are very strange troop movements, Nat Guard but also elite Marine units that specialize in breaching compounds have been seen moving about in a frantic manner on their base (Can’t rem which one.)…”
1:41:33 Here’s another thing… these Military Units have been planning to do these arrests for YEARS… and they have been in warehouses where they have lines of tape and they’ve taped out… how to get in, how to get out… how to get the people out alive and safely… they don’t want to kill people… they want these people to be on trial… this is not a mass murder… this is an arrest… and apparently there’s nothing that these guys can to do run so it doesn’t hurt anything for me to be leaking this intel… so this is very exciting…

5-different sources who independently said the same thing to Corey Good… 5 different sources have said there will be 3-days with no phone or internet other utilities will be on… your phone will do that loud buzz on the Emergency Broadcast System… they’ll say something like “please remain calm. Stay inside your house.”
… They’re not going to tell you this is the Mass Arrests… so some people are going to have a serious dark night of the soul when we go through these 3 days… they’re worried this is the end… this is Martial law… that it’s a government takeover… that’s not what it is... the real takeover was going to happen if the illuminati had not been opposed by this amazing group of Military and Intelligence officials not just from the U.S. but all over the world that are working to make sure these plans don’t succeed…
1:44:26 After only 3 days what we’re hearing is everybody’s going to get the truth… there’s these 8-hour chunks of data… they’re going to run 3 X a day… you gotta watch the whole 8-hours to get the data and once you’ve done that and you’ll be aware of what’s really going on…who these people are… what they were trying to do… how they were stopped… I cannot begin to tell you guys how f’in excited I am about this…

We have to re-wire and re-boot the internet that’s why it’s gotta go down for 3 days… because there are major nodes, major choke points that all the traffic is flowing through… these nodes are very dark… and they must be removed… after those choke points are taken out of the internet, cutting the cords, rewiring everything… then they turn it back on so that now all these very evil and dark places that the cabal was using for censorship, for surveillance… all those tools are being taken away from the cabal now…. We get a new internet doesn’t have the bad guys being able to watch you through your camera phone anymore…
1:49 The Alliance does not want you to be afraid during these 3 days they want you to be excited… this is not Martial law… don’t go running out side with a gun… stay inside and be happy that we’re going to get this thing… after it’s over we get the truth coming at us from everywhere…
1:50 New briefing on Saturday March 28th…

We have no idea IF or WHEN this happens…
1:53 Many sources say: 3-days darkness, no phone or internet, after 3-days you get the truth… A text from one of David’s sources: “I heard something about a media shutdown between April 1-10, when a lot of indictments will be unsealed, ending on Good Friday. I’m hopeful.”…
The Alliance wants to reduce panic… the Alliance has authorized David and many to release this info so no one will freak out when we go into the phone internet lockdown part…
1:59 What is happening to us as we are going through this Covid shutdown… I’m very sensitive to the idea that you may feel that you are screwed for life, your business is screwed, your finances are screwed, you have no hope you have no future… but they’re already going to be paying everybody $1200… and they’ve said they’re going to do more if they need to…
And when we get out of this we’re going to have a Global Financial Reset which will have much greater prosperity… there’s literally trillions of dollars that the cabal stole that the Alliance has frozen… and that money will be released… this is actually in alcoholic terminology “we are hitting the bottom” and we don’t have to go lower than this as a planet…
When the phone goes down, don’t freak out
Pray for the Alliance, pray that all goes well
When the internet goes down or the phone goes down, don’t panic. Don’t worry.
All is well.
Stay home and let the Forces of Light do their very important work.
Meditate, contemplate and seek the Creator.
Once the 3-days are done, massive arrests will have taken place all over the globe, the internet will have been completely re-wired, the spy-ware completely removed, and then, 8-hour videos have already been prepared that will let everyone on Earth know what the Truth is. Those 8-hour videos will be played repeatedly so everyone will be able to see it and receive the information.
This is the passage from the old systems that were imbalanced and did not work for the planet, her kingdoms and humanity — into a lighter world, without all the darkness" ~ David Wilcock
Godspeed to the Forces of Light who are part of Operation-Freedom-Gaia (my phrase.) Thank you. Bless you.
I loved what David Wilcock said about POTUS, because Trump seems to be a lightning rod for people.
David said, "Trump may not be the hero you want, but he's the hero you got."
Trump didn't even want to be POTUS, the Alliance brought him in. Before he ever decided to run he got briefings that lasted for two weeks, where they showed him really horrible stuff.
It took courage for Trump to run for POTUS, knowing the truth, but he ran in order to join the Alliance and defeat the powers that were.
When the truth is revealed, all of Humanity will be able to shout, God bless you, Mr. President. Thank you.
Victory to the Light! May Operation-Freedom-Gaia go perfectly and according to plan.
Sending light, health, peace and blessings to all,
xo, Kat
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
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If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure

Hi Dinarlandia,
First, thank you Sierra NZ for the amazing work you do with your great, up-to-the-minute posts about Q and what's happening on Twitter. I deeply appreciate it because I don't Twitter or facebook.
"Rig for Red: It's Go Time" by Sierra (NZ) - 3.31.20
I pray your conclusions are correct, and that we're a go.
I wanted to verify Sierra's latest post about a potential blackout of cell phones and internet for 3 days and the reason why it's necessary to re-wire and re-boot the internet, after removing dark nodes / spyware, as well as some of the plans for the arrests; with an abridged transcription from David Wilcock's latest video on the subject:
3-29-20 David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture!

1:39 "I never thought I’d be able to talk about this briefing… the final stage involves about 3-days without Regular phone or internet… you can make emergency calls 9-11… and they want you to know about this so you don’t freak out… there will be the Emergency Broadcast System…

1:40 During these 3 days they believe they will be getting everybody… they’ve got it all planned out… probably will get it done in 3 days…
From Corey Goode text: “With the Virus scenario they may not need to take comm’s down or shut down electricity in regions… we are not hearing they will turn off electricity and that’s very important… this virus, the cabal’s last ditch effort… may be the perfect screen to do the arrests… I am also hearing that there are very strange troop movements, Nat Guard but also elite Marine units that specialize in breaching compounds have been seen moving about in a frantic manner on their base (Can’t rem which one.)…”
1:41:33 Here’s another thing… these Military Units have been planning to do these arrests for YEARS… and they have been in warehouses where they have lines of tape and they’ve taped out… how to get in, how to get out… how to get the people out alive and safely… they don’t want to kill people… they want these people to be on trial… this is not a mass murder… this is an arrest… and apparently there’s nothing that these guys can to do run so it doesn’t hurt anything for me to be leaking this intel… so this is very exciting…

5-different sources who independently said the same thing to Corey Good… 5 different sources have said there will be 3-days with no phone or internet other utilities will be on… your phone will do that loud buzz on the Emergency Broadcast System… they’ll say something like “please remain calm. Stay inside your house.”
… They’re not going to tell you this is the Mass Arrests… so some people are going to have a serious dark night of the soul when we go through these 3 days… they’re worried this is the end… this is Martial law… that it’s a government takeover… that’s not what it is... the real takeover was going to happen if the illuminati had not been opposed by this amazing group of Military and Intelligence officials not just from the U.S. but all over the world that are working to make sure these plans don’t succeed…
1:44:26 After only 3 days what we’re hearing is everybody’s going to get the truth… there’s these 8-hour chunks of data… they’re going to run 3 X a day… you gotta watch the whole 8-hours to get the data and once you’ve done that and you’ll be aware of what’s really going on…who these people are… what they were trying to do… how they were stopped… I cannot begin to tell you guys how f’in excited I am about this…

We have to re-wire and re-boot the internet that’s why it’s gotta go down for 3 days… because there are major nodes, major choke points that all the traffic is flowing through… these nodes are very dark… and they must be removed… after those choke points are taken out of the internet, cutting the cords, rewiring everything… then they turn it back on so that now all these very evil and dark places that the cabal was using for censorship, for surveillance… all those tools are being taken away from the cabal now…. We get a new internet doesn’t have the bad guys being able to watch you through your camera phone anymore…
1:49 The Alliance does not want you to be afraid during these 3 days they want you to be excited… this is not Martial law… don’t go running out side with a gun… stay inside and be happy that we’re going to get this thing… after it’s over we get the truth coming at us from everywhere…
1:50 New briefing on Saturday March 28th…

We have no idea IF or WHEN this happens…
1:53 Many sources say: 3-days darkness, no phone or internet, after 3-days you get the truth… A text from one of David’s sources: “I heard something about a media shutdown between April 1-10, when a lot of indictments will be unsealed, ending on Good Friday. I’m hopeful.”…
The Alliance wants to reduce panic… the Alliance has authorized David and many to release this info so no one will freak out when we go into the phone internet lockdown part…
1:59 What is happening to us as we are going through this Covid shutdown… I’m very sensitive to the idea that you may feel that you are screwed for life, your business is screwed, your finances are screwed, you have no hope you have no future… but they’re already going to be paying everybody $1200… and they’ve said they’re going to do more if they need to…
And when we get out of this we’re going to have a Global Financial Reset which will have much greater prosperity… there’s literally trillions of dollars that the cabal stole that the Alliance has frozen… and that money will be released… this is actually in alcoholic terminology “we are hitting the bottom” and we don’t have to go lower than this as a planet…
When the phone goes down, don’t freak out
Pray for the Alliance, pray that all goes well
When the internet goes down or the phone goes down, don’t panic. Don’t worry.
All is well.
Stay home and let the Forces of Light do their very important work.
Meditate, contemplate and seek the Creator.
Once the 3-days are done, massive arrests will have taken place all over the globe, the internet will have been completely re-wired, the spy-ware completely removed, and then, 8-hour videos have already been prepared that will let everyone on Earth know what the Truth is. Those 8-hour videos will be played repeatedly so everyone will be able to see it and receive the information.
This is the passage from the old systems that were imbalanced and did not work for the planet, her kingdoms and humanity — into a lighter world, without all the darkness" ~ David Wilcock
Godspeed to the Forces of Light who are part of Operation-Freedom-Gaia (my phrase.) Thank you. Bless you.
I loved what David Wilcock said about POTUS, because Trump seems to be a lightning rod for people.
David said, "Trump may not be the hero you want, but he's the hero you got."
Trump didn't even want to be POTUS, the Alliance brought him in. Before he ever decided to run he got briefings that lasted for two weeks, where they showed him really horrible stuff.
It took courage for Trump to run for POTUS, knowing the truth, but he ran in order to join the Alliance and defeat the powers that were.
When the truth is revealed, all of Humanity will be able to shout, God bless you, Mr. President. Thank you.
Victory to the Light! May Operation-Freedom-Gaia go perfectly and according to plan.
Sending light, health, peace and blessings to all,
xo, Kat
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure