February 19, 2020 Populist Superstorm Slams Into Oregon And Britain On Same Day As End Nears For Global Leftist Forces By: Sorcha Faal, ...
February 19, 2020
Populist Superstorm Slams Into Oregon And Britain On Same Day As End Nears For Global Leftist Forces
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Source: What Does It Mean
A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today contemplating the “worst possible scenario” should NATO Member Turkey launch a military operation against Syria’s legitimate authorities and armed forces, says such a move coming at the same time the US is flooding Europe with massive numbers of troops and equipment as part of its largest war exercise in 25-years leaves open the question of whom would be the beneficiary of the global war that would follow such an attack—as any attack on Syria by Turkey would necessitate a Russian military response against this NATO member, that in turn would place Russia in direct military confrontation with the United States and the European Union—thus leading to a potential catastrophic conflagration whose only winner would be the demonic Anti-Christ globalist-socialist forces already intent on destroying our world in order to remake it into their own sadistic image—demonic socialist forces that during this past year alone, has seen their politicians and policies crushed by President Donald Trump led national-populist forces in elections occurring in Italy, India, European Union, Australia, Britain and Ireland—a global populist superstorm that’s now circled the globe back to an America where Trump has now designated its largest socialist-controlled State of California as being “Occupied Territory”—a designation supported by millions of national-populist citizens in California and its border State of Oregon who are now calling for their being able to join the State of Idaho so they can regain their freedoms—with one such urgent plea to Trump saying: “Rural counties have become increasingly outraged by laws coming out of the Oregon Legislature that threaten our livelihoods, our industries, our wallet, our gun rights, and our values…We tried voting those legislators out, but rural Oregon is outnumbered and our voices are now ignored…This is our last resort”—and was an urgent plea heard all the way to Europe yesterday where the new national-populist government of Britain listened to its citizens and barred from its nation non-English speaking migrants and low-skilled workers—all of which shows these leftist globalist forces that their reign of tyranny is nearing its end. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, in the aftermath of World War II that saw vast swaths of our world laying in ruins and tens-of-millions dead, an astute observation was made by retired US Navy officer Robert Heinlein (most famously known as “the dean of science fiction writers”) about our world that saw him saying “The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire”—a saying that most accurately describes our world today where globalist-socialist leaders seek to control the lives of people through government oppression—as opposed to national-populists ones who believe people have a right to be free from government control—with the former believing that people are not able to govern their lives and need elite rulers to oversee them like parents look after their children—as opposed to the latter that believes people are best left to decide their own lives, as this right is given to them by God and cannot be interfered with by government.
In the United States, in fact, this report notes, its Declaration of Independence draws the starkest distinction between these two forces with the words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”—thirty-six words whose full understanding of provides the only explanation one needs to understand what is occurring in America today—specifically because President Trump was elected to protect them—while his socialist Democrat Party enemies need them destroyed so they can take these rights away from the American people and rule over them without fear or consequence—with everything else occurring being nothing more than smoke and mirrors as this battle rages on.

In defending the proposition that the United States is best served by protecting the God-given rights of its citizens, this report continues, President Trump has made a compelling argument for his national-populist side after his unleashing these peoples’ freedoms and abilities by government regulation cuts and tax breaks to create an “economic miracle” of prosperity for everyone, regardless of race, creed or religion—while at the same time, the socialist Democrat Party argument for their rights-stripping side is a future of “free stuff” whose full cost of the entire world wouldn’t be able to pay for.
With one supposing that even these socialist Democrats know that a real “economic miracle” can’t compete, much less win out against a “future of unaffordable free stuff, this report details, they’ve added to the argument for their side the outright destruction of President Trump—a destruction, however, these socialist Democrats haven’t come even close to accomplishing—best evidenced most recently by their failed impeachment of Trump that skyrocketed him to his highest approval rating of all time—a failed destruction of Trump that has now unleashed his Attorney General William Barr to begin a criminal investigation into matters relating to the Bidens and Ukraine—as well as its now causing feared US Attorney John Durham to expand his criminal probe right into the Muller investigation of Trump—all striking such terror into socialist Democrats they now have their leftist mainstream media lapdogs claiming that Barr is about to resign because of Trump’s tweets—a lying claim immediately responded to by the Department of Justice simply and firmly stating: “Addressing Beltway rumors: The Attorney General has no plans to resign”—but in whose most significant essence about, sees the fact being that Trump isn’t controlling Barr—rather it’s the other way around, Barr is controlling Trump—as Barr isn’t just serving Trump, he’s fighting for a theory of presidential power called the Unitary Executive—a theory socialist Democrats and leftists fearfully say will create an “Imperial Presidency”—whom Barr mocked with his words:
One of the more amusing aspects of modern progressive polemic is their breathless attacks on the “unitary executive theory.”
They portray this as some new-fangled “theory” to justify Executive power of sweeping scope.
In reality, the idea of the unitary executive does not go so much to the breadth of Presidential power.
Rather, the idea is that, whatever the Executive powers may be, they must be exercised under the President’s supervision.
This is not “new,” and it is not a “theory.” It is a description of what the Framers unquestionably did in Article II of the Constitution.
Even Jefferson – usually seen as less of a hawk than Hamilton on Executive power – was insistent that Executive power be placed in “single hands,” and he cited the America’s unitary Executive as a signal feature that distinguished America’s success from France’s failed republican experiment.
The implications of the Framers’ decision are obvious.
If Congress attempts to vest the power to execute the law in someone beyond the control of the President, it contravenes the Framers’ clear intent to vest that power in a single person, the President.
So much for this supposedly nefarious theory of the unitary executive.

Yesterday when President Trump was asked about his involvement with Attorney General Barr and the Department of Justice, this report concludes, he gave an illuminating answer stating: “I'm allowed to be totally involved, I'm actually, I guess, the chief law enforcement officer of the country…But I've chosen not to be involved”—an actually trepidatious response proving Trump is being guided by Barr into how to fully use Unitary Executive power—though Trump seems still unsure on how to master it yet—and whose baby-steps in learning about saw Trump, also yesterday, granting pardons and clemency for 11 people—that predictably saw the socialist Democrats and their leftist media lapdogs, unlike when President Obama granted pardons to Iranian terrorists, igniting a firestorm over—a leftist firestorm centering on Trump’s pardon of former Democrat Party Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich—who, in 2009, was unjustly sentenced to 14-years in prison by the same leftist judge who had just sentenced mob informant Nick Calabrese to 12 years in prison for committing 14 murders—making it understandable why even a leftist Chicago Sun newspaper reporter wrote: “I know Blagojevich was guilty as hell, but 14 years is insane”—but whose greatest significance of Trump’s sentence commutations using his Unitary Executive power can be understood by knowing that Blagojevich remains a hero among Democrat Party black peoples in Illinois who cheered his release—and when walking out of the prison Trump had freed him from a few hours ago, saw Blagojevich declaring to the horror of all socialist Democrats: “If you're asking what my party affiliation is: I'm a Trumpocrat”—which one knows will be another Trump-led national-populist party these leftist lunatic Democrats will have to deal with.

February 19, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure
Populist Superstorm Slams Into Oregon And Britain On Same Day As End Nears For Global Leftist Forces
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Source: What Does It Mean
A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today contemplating the “worst possible scenario” should NATO Member Turkey launch a military operation against Syria’s legitimate authorities and armed forces, says such a move coming at the same time the US is flooding Europe with massive numbers of troops and equipment as part of its largest war exercise in 25-years leaves open the question of whom would be the beneficiary of the global war that would follow such an attack—as any attack on Syria by Turkey would necessitate a Russian military response against this NATO member, that in turn would place Russia in direct military confrontation with the United States and the European Union—thus leading to a potential catastrophic conflagration whose only winner would be the demonic Anti-Christ globalist-socialist forces already intent on destroying our world in order to remake it into their own sadistic image—demonic socialist forces that during this past year alone, has seen their politicians and policies crushed by President Donald Trump led national-populist forces in elections occurring in Italy, India, European Union, Australia, Britain and Ireland—a global populist superstorm that’s now circled the globe back to an America where Trump has now designated its largest socialist-controlled State of California as being “Occupied Territory”—a designation supported by millions of national-populist citizens in California and its border State of Oregon who are now calling for their being able to join the State of Idaho so they can regain their freedoms—with one such urgent plea to Trump saying: “Rural counties have become increasingly outraged by laws coming out of the Oregon Legislature that threaten our livelihoods, our industries, our wallet, our gun rights, and our values…We tried voting those legislators out, but rural Oregon is outnumbered and our voices are now ignored…This is our last resort”—and was an urgent plea heard all the way to Europe yesterday where the new national-populist government of Britain listened to its citizens and barred from its nation non-English speaking migrants and low-skilled workers—all of which shows these leftist globalist forces that their reign of tyranny is nearing its end. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, in the aftermath of World War II that saw vast swaths of our world laying in ruins and tens-of-millions dead, an astute observation was made by retired US Navy officer Robert Heinlein (most famously known as “the dean of science fiction writers”) about our world that saw him saying “The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire”—a saying that most accurately describes our world today where globalist-socialist leaders seek to control the lives of people through government oppression—as opposed to national-populists ones who believe people have a right to be free from government control—with the former believing that people are not able to govern their lives and need elite rulers to oversee them like parents look after their children—as opposed to the latter that believes people are best left to decide their own lives, as this right is given to them by God and cannot be interfered with by government.
In the United States, in fact, this report notes, its Declaration of Independence draws the starkest distinction between these two forces with the words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”—thirty-six words whose full understanding of provides the only explanation one needs to understand what is occurring in America today—specifically because President Trump was elected to protect them—while his socialist Democrat Party enemies need them destroyed so they can take these rights away from the American people and rule over them without fear or consequence—with everything else occurring being nothing more than smoke and mirrors as this battle rages on.
In defending the proposition that the United States is best served by protecting the God-given rights of its citizens, this report continues, President Trump has made a compelling argument for his national-populist side after his unleashing these peoples’ freedoms and abilities by government regulation cuts and tax breaks to create an “economic miracle” of prosperity for everyone, regardless of race, creed or religion—while at the same time, the socialist Democrat Party argument for their rights-stripping side is a future of “free stuff” whose full cost of the entire world wouldn’t be able to pay for.
With one supposing that even these socialist Democrats know that a real “economic miracle” can’t compete, much less win out against a “future of unaffordable free stuff, this report details, they’ve added to the argument for their side the outright destruction of President Trump—a destruction, however, these socialist Democrats haven’t come even close to accomplishing—best evidenced most recently by their failed impeachment of Trump that skyrocketed him to his highest approval rating of all time—a failed destruction of Trump that has now unleashed his Attorney General William Barr to begin a criminal investigation into matters relating to the Bidens and Ukraine—as well as its now causing feared US Attorney John Durham to expand his criminal probe right into the Muller investigation of Trump—all striking such terror into socialist Democrats they now have their leftist mainstream media lapdogs claiming that Barr is about to resign because of Trump’s tweets—a lying claim immediately responded to by the Department of Justice simply and firmly stating: “Addressing Beltway rumors: The Attorney General has no plans to resign”—but in whose most significant essence about, sees the fact being that Trump isn’t controlling Barr—rather it’s the other way around, Barr is controlling Trump—as Barr isn’t just serving Trump, he’s fighting for a theory of presidential power called the Unitary Executive—a theory socialist Democrats and leftists fearfully say will create an “Imperial Presidency”—whom Barr mocked with his words:
One of the more amusing aspects of modern progressive polemic is their breathless attacks on the “unitary executive theory.”
They portray this as some new-fangled “theory” to justify Executive power of sweeping scope.
In reality, the idea of the unitary executive does not go so much to the breadth of Presidential power.
Rather, the idea is that, whatever the Executive powers may be, they must be exercised under the President’s supervision.
This is not “new,” and it is not a “theory.” It is a description of what the Framers unquestionably did in Article II of the Constitution.
Even Jefferson – usually seen as less of a hawk than Hamilton on Executive power – was insistent that Executive power be placed in “single hands,” and he cited the America’s unitary Executive as a signal feature that distinguished America’s success from France’s failed republican experiment.
The implications of the Framers’ decision are obvious.
If Congress attempts to vest the power to execute the law in someone beyond the control of the President, it contravenes the Framers’ clear intent to vest that power in a single person, the President.
So much for this supposedly nefarious theory of the unitary executive.
Yesterday when President Trump was asked about his involvement with Attorney General Barr and the Department of Justice, this report concludes, he gave an illuminating answer stating: “I'm allowed to be totally involved, I'm actually, I guess, the chief law enforcement officer of the country…But I've chosen not to be involved”—an actually trepidatious response proving Trump is being guided by Barr into how to fully use Unitary Executive power—though Trump seems still unsure on how to master it yet—and whose baby-steps in learning about saw Trump, also yesterday, granting pardons and clemency for 11 people—that predictably saw the socialist Democrats and their leftist media lapdogs, unlike when President Obama granted pardons to Iranian terrorists, igniting a firestorm over—a leftist firestorm centering on Trump’s pardon of former Democrat Party Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich—who, in 2009, was unjustly sentenced to 14-years in prison by the same leftist judge who had just sentenced mob informant Nick Calabrese to 12 years in prison for committing 14 murders—making it understandable why even a leftist Chicago Sun newspaper reporter wrote: “I know Blagojevich was guilty as hell, but 14 years is insane”—but whose greatest significance of Trump’s sentence commutations using his Unitary Executive power can be understood by knowing that Blagojevich remains a hero among Democrat Party black peoples in Illinois who cheered his release—and when walking out of the prison Trump had freed him from a few hours ago, saw Blagojevich declaring to the horror of all socialist Democrats: “If you're asking what my party affiliation is: I'm a Trumpocrat”—which one knows will be another Trump-led national-populist party these leftist lunatic Democrats will have to deal with.
February 19, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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