(OpDis) Gods, Dogs, An, The Dog God Anubis -- Grant Ouellette

Gods, Dogs, An, The Dog God Anubis February 13, 2020 Operation Disclosure | By Grant Ouellette, Contributor First an aside for OpDis ...

Gods, Dogs, An, The Dog God Anubis

February 13, 2020

Operation Disclosure | By Grant Ouellette, Contributor

First an aside for OpDis spirit: Mon cherie ‘An-na’, I hear Belle Cher –okee singing ‘Believe’ followed by the Monkees ‘I’m a Believer’ as I lay down my ‘Jon-Anna presidential card’. In the movie The American President, ‘An-nette’ Bening wades in with a fundamental truth: politics is perception. For this reason we must wait for Trump and his unnamed VP to finish their terms before Jon can become the first male president of the US. Public perception has to evolve significantly before an open lightworker like Anna will be accepted for the top position, even though she is backed by Melinda, a 17 year young foxy cheerleader captain bouncing up and down, shaking her pom-poms and wearing perfectly mismatched quantum knee-high socks. Ra! Ra! Ra! No wolf whistles please.


In the song ‘I and I’ from the 1983 album ‘Infidels’ the lyrics weave in loneliness, past life and reason for our Earthly incarnate experiences of individuality (separateness from the One).

Been so long since a strange woman has slept in my bed Look how sweet she sleeps, how free must be her dreams In another lifetime she must have owned the world, or been faithfully wed To some righteous king who wrote psalms beside moonlit streams

(doghouse doggerel)

Took an untrodden path once, where the swift don't win the race It goes to the worthy, who can divide the word of truth Took a stranger to teach me, to look into justice's beautiful face And see an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

Bob Dylan

I believe there are worldwide connections that will bring humanity together including those in names and languages.

From my research I am biased towards Ireland being Sorcha like the Rosetta Stone, if you Faallow my Thinkering.

Dan can be D’An meaning of An.

‘Tuath An’ is another name for the Irish Tuatha De Danann.

The Dagda was their chief, the god of life and death, agriculture, fertility and druidry. As to the Druids, please think of Merlin and wisdom, not the cabalistic crap about human sacrifices.

Maybe dog is d’og meaning of og, as in the Ogham tree language of Ireland.

The Irish wolfhound is the tallest dog breed in the world.

Although two letter names seem simplistic to us today, Ur and On were once major cities.

In a Cobra mass meditation the light of ‘An’ was the light specifically needed.

Does Angel mean ‘An’ gel?

‘An’ can be pronounced the same as ‘On’ the Egyptian city of the Sun.

Within the language of time we find the word aeon with 3 vowels, or just 2 as eon, which is ‘an anagram’ of ‘one’.

The seasons, solstices, equinoxes and months are all ‘annual’ events.

Anatomy is the scientific study of the body.

The Anunnaki (Anunaki, Anunna, Ananaki) were gods in the ancient Iraq and Iran (Ur-An) region.

Anubis with Ankh (from Wikipedia)

The dog-headed Anubis (Anpu) is the Egyptian god of mummification, the afterlife and the Underworld.

The Aztec god of death, Xolotl, is dog-headed too.Anubis or Inpu, Anpu in Ancient Egyptian is the Greek name of the god of death, mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld, in ancient Egypti…

New content will be added above the current area of focus upon select

In the Bible Canaan was the son of Noah’s son Ham, and Anak was the forefather of Anakim.

Canaan means the ‘land of purple’ and is in the Levant like Phoenicia, Philistia and Israel.

The word is found in Egyptian, cuneiform and Phoenician writings.

The Canaan Dog, also known as the Bedouin Sheepdog and Palestinian Pariah dog, is a breed of pariah dog, which has been in existence in the Middle East for thousands of years. There are 2,000 to 3,000 Canaan dogs across the world, mostly in Europe and North America. Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris Wikipedia


Here is info connecting the historic dots of our Vegan aquatic (amphibian) primate ancestors via ‘The Dog Name Game’, being my unauthorized title of the Ancient Aliens episode 5190 (2019) The Star Gods of Sirius. ‘Giorgio the Hair’ and friends tell how ‘Aliens from the tiny star Sirius B may have visited humans in the distant past’.

The English word dog has unknown ancient origins. It is quote ‘non-attributable’.

Dagda the Irish god built and lived at the famous structure at Newgrange, County Meath, Ireland. The entrance passageway aligns with both the Sun and Sirius A on winter solstices.

Dogu are Japanese figurines of Doraguns aka Dragons. Ancient lore has dragons originating in the sea.

Dogon are a tribe in Mali, Africa. They have a once-every-fifty-year ceremony celebrating the 50 year period of the orbit of the Earth-sized star Sirius B, because that is the origin of their creator gods the Nommo. Their amphibious gods would come out of the sea to teach them math and science.

Dagon was the half-human half-amphibious Chief Babylonian god; worshipped in the House of the Star temple.


According to the website http://www.144000.world/

The author of Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes speaks of the inclusion in the Naassene Sermon of the ‘Assyrian fish god’ who was Oannes – known to the Mesopotamians as Enki and to the Babylonians as Ea, also Dagon, Poseidon, Sabaoth, etc.


The Kato (US) creation story begins:

‘Nagaicho, the creator, set out to create the world, and he took along a dog.’



In Hinduism there is the god Bhairava and his black dog ‘Shvan’ (Sanskrit for dog), as well as the belief that caring for a dog opens a path to heaven.

The Cheyenne have a story of The Girl Who Married a Dog, the mother of Pleiades.

The Cayuga tell of four hunters, a dog and a bear that turned into stars.

Other dog and death ideas exist for example, the hounds of hell.

I’ve seen the wolf-like face at the center of a psychopsis orchid.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Glenn Ouellette.



The word dog being a mirror of the word god is a bleed in continuing energy from the 32nd star nation which seeded ours. Given that we see evidence of the 32nd star nation cat dark players and bird light players interwoven into our reality, let’s look for evidence of the other past gamers. Based on dog god connections I speculate that within the 31st star nation dogs (wolves, fox) were the dark players and rabbits / hares were the light players. Here’s more evidence:

Hy Brasil has stories of magical 6 foot tall rabbits.

The movie Harvey is about a 6 foot tall invisible rabbit.

The movie Johnny Darko has tall rabbits.

Bugs Bunny always outwits Wile E. Coyote.

Aesop’s Fable is The Tortoise and the Hare.

Hare and hair are homonyms.

A rabbit’s foot brings good luck.

On opposite sides of some paddles there are a panther and a rabbit smoking a pipe, who is unafraid because he is wiser than the panther.

The Easter Bunny

There are a multitude of stories and movies about dogs or using names like Dog Day Afternoon.

We use numerous dog based phrases.

The Grimm Brothers tell the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.

The band ‘Three Dog Night’ has songs entitled One, Joy to the World, and Shambala.

The band ‘Heart’ has a song entitle The Dog and Butterfly.

The lead dog in a pack is called the Alpha male.

We call Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, the ‘dog star’; the dog days of summer star.

Another dog-star connection is found in the word sundog (an optical phenomenon).

Dog is man’s best friend. The 2 meanings of the word ‘dawg’ are dog, and pal or friend.

The Chinese have the year of the dog.

So Dogs or Wolves would have ascended in that past world, to become creator gods, just like the Pleiadians say we are. This is the word connection between dog and god. So the word god has a derivation from the word dog. Source is infinite, so of course there are paths to deriving a connection to God; to finding God.

Other past duality match ups or players that seem probable include:
dogs and fleas (could be scratching for an answer here)
fish and insects
bears and fish
deer / moose (horned animal worship)
spiders and flies
turtles / tortoises (prevalent in creation stories)
gators / crocs (the Egyptian god Sobek)
snakes and frogs (Three Dog Night tells us Jeremiah was a bullfrog)
sheep, ram, lamb of God, a wolf in sheep’s clothing
sharks (dogfish are sharks)
any of the zodiac animals like Scorpio (the stinger)
elves, dwarves, goblins, even ents.


As I dropped my Mother off at the Greyhound bus she yapped: What will you work on? I spouted, “My dog-ma”.


Two Wolves is a Cherokee legend. One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

"My son, the battle is between two “wolves” inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."


And there is the numerology of K9; 11-9. Notice that capitalized with serifs, the 11th letter, K, has 11 angles.

Dog and god have the same 3 letters so both reduce to 8; and the same value whatever number you give to the individual letters. Good God. Good dog. And 4 x 15 x 7 = 420 for pot people.

Robert Zimmerman became Bob Dylan. Why? One possibility from a little name game letter play is: Dy is Di for god, and l’an means of An, so ‘the god of An’. Maybe I’m ‘barking’ up the wrong tree. This is from Dylan’s song ‘Jokerman’:

Well, the Book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy The law of the jungle and the sea are your only teachers In the smoke of the twilight on a milk-white steed Michelangelo indeed could've carved out your features Resting in the fields, far from the turbulent space Half asleep near the stars with a small dog licking your face

Peace Dawg

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Operation Disclosure: (OpDis) Gods, Dogs, An, The Dog God Anubis -- Grant Ouellette
(OpDis) Gods, Dogs, An, The Dog God Anubis -- Grant Ouellette
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