Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on February 24, 2020 By Benjamin Ful...

Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis
Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on
February 24, 2020
By Benjamin Fulford
The secret battle for planet Earth is raging on with England, Russia, China and the Pentagon leading the charge against the Satanic Khazarian mafia. In the biggest development last week, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, fearing for his life, surrendered to the Chinese and is providing them with insider information about the Pharmacidical Mafia…Asian Secret Society and Pentagon sources say.
The official Chinese Xinhua News Agency reports Gates offered $100 million to fight the “new coronavirus.” Chinese President Xi Jinping wrote to Gates:
“I support your cooperation with relevant Chinese institutions, and look forward to enhanced coordination and concerted efforts in the international community for the sake of health and well-being of all.”
The “relevant Chinese institutions” Gates is cooperating with most certainly include the Chinese secret services.
Asian Secret Society sources told the Pentagon last week that they are aware the bioweapon attack on China was carried out by the same people who assassinated President John F. Kennedy and orchestrated 9.11.
The Asians and the Pentagon are thus cooperating and sharing pinpoint information to ensure all guilty parties “are led to justice.”
Now we need to look at the role of U.S. President Donald Trump and his regime in this whole business. A key hint is the escalation of the panic surrounding the “coronavirus,” otherwise known as the common cold virus. It’s spread intensified in earnest after the U.S. corporate government formally defaulted on February 16th. This pandemic is being staged to provide cover for the cut off of credit (and thus deficit-financed imports) that the U.S. is experiencing right now.
We also note that Trump has lost much of his military support. That’s why he was forced to hire the openly gay flaming Zionist U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as acting Director for National Intelligence. It’s also why Trump-Q-anon is pushing his flunky Kashyap Patel as a “name to remember.”
CIA and Marine veteran Robert David Steele notes:
“The secret mandarins will lie to the Acting DNI and his new hires such as Kashyap Patel, all of whom are just as ignorant of the substance of intelligence despite their super smarts on knowing what the President needs but is not getting – apart from subversion and lies. As with [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo, the secret world will seek to charm and subvert, and Grenell’s enchantment with genocidal Zionism will be his Achilles’ heel.”
Of course, there is a much bigger game in play here. The gathering of G20 finance ministers last week in Saudi Arabia, minus the UK, Russia, and China, provides hints about what is at stake.
It’s “very important to synchronize”, Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said in a Bloomberg TV interview in Riyadh, on the sidelines of the G20. Indrawati added:
“All the economic ministers coming here, and the central banks, have instruments and policy tools that they can implement and execute, including fiscal expansion if it’s necessary.”
She’s basically saying that the central bankers will create unlimited amounts of stimulus or $ Trillions of computer credit money. This time it will not work as we are in the end game now.
It does look like Indonesia has been chosen by the Zionist cabal to take over from China in the manufacturing sector. There are no coincidences.
As a Russian FSB source noted, “even if the new coronavirus did not exist, it would have had to be invented because something needed to be done to prevent China from taking over the world.”
In other words, the West needed to draw a line in the sand and make sure we do not end up with a one-China world.
Now P3 Freemason sources are saying the plan is to increase panic worldwide over the new (designer) virus as an excuse to bring on martial law, which is needed to start a world federation.
Asian secret society sources say they understand and support the need for a loose world federation, as does the British Commonwealth. This would be a multi-polar arrangement limited to dealing with problems faced by the planet as a whole. It would be the equivalent of neighborhood garbage collection where everyone agrees to put their garbage at the end of the driveway on certain days but also agrees to let the trash collectors come into their homes.
What these groups do not support is a Zionist-controlled, fascist New World Order run by Satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters. These people are still stubbornly clinging to a biblical end-times scenario that involves killing 90% of the world’s population and enslaving the rest. Some of their recent fear-mongering about “10 plagues hitting the planet” can be seen at the following link.
It is also worth noting that the Rothschild and Angelli family-owned Economist magazine featured the four horsemen of the apocalypse on its “The Year in 2019” cover.
Anyway, let us take a look at the fear porn show the elites have in store for us over the coming weeks all thanks to a “new type” of coronavirus. Remember, this all supposedly started with a “crazy fruit bat” and now Chinese officials admit that the animal market was not the cause of the outbreak but don’t want to say what was.
What we are seeing is industrial shutdowns, pandemic street performances and other such acts in scores of countries.
Here, for example, is a quote from Newsweek:
“It’s a little worrying. Until this happened in Padua it almost seemed like a media stunt,” says Marco Bertoni, who lives in the northern city of Feltre.
Guess what Mr. Bertoni…it is a media stunt.
In Japan, there is an elaborate corporate media play-act about people who were quarantined on a cruise ship and then sent all over the world without being properly tested.
Even Iran is participating in the pandemic kabuki theater.
However, it looks like South Korea, whose film “Parasite” recently won an Oscar, is now about to get the best pandemic acting award. There is so much fear porn spinning around this latest virus that it has now infected all the patients in an insane asylum in South Korea.
Here is what CIA and Australian intelligence sources had to say about the act unfolding there:
“Daegu, South Korea is the next chosen death center outside of China. There will be lots of deaths there. South Korea was targeted with this coronavirus to bring down the economy. It is working as the KOSPI is down 3.2% today. The manufacturing centers for hi-tech are being targeted. Daegu is a manufacturing industrial city. It’s the economic and industrial core of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region, one of the major industrial areas in Korea.
Is it just a coincidence that the manufacturing sectors are being hit by this designer coronavirus? This bioengineered pandemic was actually planned to create global pandemonium and it’s doing just that. Next it may be a coronavirus infected Werewolf in London running amok. God Save the Queen! This is all about collapsing the major economies of the world and the banking system.”
That is exactly what is now happening.
World trade is seizing up and markets are about to implode. In just the past week alone $7 Trillion was erased from the global markets (It’s all computer entries).
We are also starting to see empty store shelves and will see plenty more of those before this is all over. In Japan, it is now impossible to buy facemasks or disinfectant alcohol unless you buy from profiteers. A cut in medical supplies from China is going to increasingly affect the U.S. too. This is just the crest of the wave. The links below provide multiple examples of the world economy now grinding to a halt.
As a Goldman Sachs trader recently told me, “I will continue to dance as long as the party goes on but I will stay close to the door.” Just like the Mongols used human shields to protect their warriors, the oligarchs are now using retail investors to protect their profits. The links below show how retail investors all jumped in at the last minute, just in time to take the hit.
Remember folks, at the end of the day, only things that actually exist in the real world matter. That is why Gold closed at $1,645 per ounce Friday and appears to be in a strong bull run on the way to $2,000.
Also, Rhodium (a member of the Platinum Group Metals), which is kept off the radar, closed Friday at $12,300 per ounce. 6 months ago it was $3,500 per ounce. One year ago it was $2,500 per ounce. “It is used off-world in the secret space program. I have direct knowledge of this.” explains a CIA source.
Mexican politicians meanwhile are calling for a ban on silver exports and urging citizens to invest their savings in silver.
However, the Chinese appear to be making the wisest investment of all – food. Remember, as the story of King Midas made clear, you can’t eat gold (or silver). China has been buying huge stashes of nuts, dried fruit, and canned meat & fish, according to Russian FSB sources. These are foods that do not require refrigeration or cooking and are used for military campaigns as well as emergency relief in the event of a disaster.
The Chinese might be on to something, now might be a time to make sure you have your own personal food supply (rice and beans are cheap and virtually non-perishable).
Finally, this week here are some recent news items worth mentioning.
One is that so-called First Nations activists are trying to shut down rail traffic in Canada. Canadian government sources say these people are receiving money from the Rockefeller Brothers’ foundation to stop pipelines meant to export oil to Asia.
Another is we are hearing that Turkish President Recep Erdogan is going to be removed soon because of his neo-Ottoman expansionist plans. “Erdogan is temporary. He will be removed very soon as he crossed the line that Putin put in place.” an FSB source explained. He tried to run to the U.S. for help but he already burned that bridge.
Finally, Russian and Taiwanese sources both tell us Chinese President Xi Jinping has been killed and replaced by a body double. That is why he recently vanished from public view for 12 days during the coronavirus outbreak. However, we have not been able to confirm this with Chinese government sources.
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