For America and the Middle Eastern Countries -- Anna Von Reitz

Sunday, January 5, 2020 For America and the Middle Eastern Countries Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz These Intelligence Ag...

Sunday, January 5, 2020

For America and the Middle Eastern Countries

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz

These Intelligence Agency guys sit around and tell so many lies back and forth that none of them know the truth anymore. Literally. The CIA guys can't tell the truth at all. It's not in them. They open their mouths and corkscrews come out.

FBI? The only difference is the charming American accent, mainly because they are trying to copy their Big Brothers at the CIA and DARPA and DIA and MI6.

It's hell to find good role models these days. Our sons grow up confused and crooked. Our "intelligence agencies" are more like Hollywood script writers....

DIA? I don't think they were ever acquainted with the truth to begin with, so truth is not even the question with them. They spew wads of thready, gluey, string-like information that sticks to the bottom of your shoes and makes you wrinkle your nose late at night twenty years later.

And if your "intelligence networks" can't tell the difference between beans and buckwheat anymore--- what then?

It's a sad commentary on where guile has landed us--- a manure pile of Corporate Feudalism, fraud, and lies piled on top of lies like a maggot and rotten banana sandwich.

Here's an example of the latest Big Lie being passed around: the CIA let the Iranians invest in our mortgage market and the Iranians are responsible for the subprime mortgage meltdown in 2008 and all the foreclosures.....

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I heard that one.

The actuality is that the perpetrators of the mortgage market crisis and MERS and the Foreclosure Mills are all home-grown in "the US". Not American. Not our "United States" --- No, the OTHER "United States" run by the Pope and the Queen.

What happened is this ---and bear with me as I take a detour into something that only appears unrelated:

Back in the 70's, the US had the refinery capacity to mainline Middle Eastern crude oil to market, so the US and OPEC cut a deal to corner the world's energy markets. Big bucks and big coercive power for both. The Middle East supplied the crude, the US supplied the refinery capacity. The Petro-dollar was born.

The oil business has always been a haven for Liar's Dice and Oklahoma Guarantees, but when it came to the Petro-dollar, it sank to a new low.

Do you remember hearing (constantly) how the US was "energy dependent" on other countries for oil? How we were always struggling against an "oil deficit"? Living in fear of an OPEC Oil Embargo?

Nobody told you that the US was consistently among the top three Oil Exporters in the world during that whole same time, did they? The US was shoveling oil and oil products of all kinds out the door as fast as the Iraqis and Iranians and Jordanians and everyone else could ship the crude oil.

And all that talk about "oil deficits"? The US was pushing OPEC to sell them more crude oil, cheaper, so they could maximize their profits on the refined oil products and by-products like plastics, that were the "value added" products at the end of the line.

My Grandmother would call it "shameful, deceitful, Poor Mouthing"---making everyone else think that we were starved for oil, dangerously low reserve supplies, oh, my, we just have to ask for higher prices at the pump.....

And nobody told you that the US was sitting on oil fields that make Iran's resources look small, either. But that's true, too, and I am not even talking about fracking. There's have light sweet crude less than a quarter mile down in quantities that stagger the imagination, sitting parked in the western states and just offshore.

The American Oil Companies didn't need Middle Eastern Oil---ever. They just wanted to buy out the Middle Eastern Oil Supplies, kill the Middle East off as a long term competitor as cheaply as possible, and then, oh, gee, look at all this oil we just found....

So, take in the fact that all that beeswax you heard on the Nightly News (and probably believed) about "oil deficits" and "oil dependency" was just more horse-hooey fed to you, and used to justify charging you $5 a gallon instead of fifty cents a gallon.

Between the gubmint and the news media and all the "intelligence agencies" combined, none of them could tell us what day of the week it was, without lying two or three times.

That's also another good reason to clean the cat box during the Nightly News time slot, but let's get back to the latest Big Lie about Iran being the cause of the mortgage debacles....

Both the Middle Eastern Oil Producers and the US Oil Refiners made out like bandits for years and years, and the Saudis and Jordanians and Iraqis and Egyptians and everyone over there was lapping it up and spending like drunken sailors on infrastructure and goods supplied mainly by--- guess who? European and American corporations.

And then, with the First Blush over and done, the new Middle Eastern Investors created by this glut of money, started looking for good places to invest their wealth..... and here is where the really diabolical stuff kicked in.

Did you know that "mortgage backed securities" became available just as the Saudis and everyone else over in the Middle East began earnestly looking for investment opportunities for their share of the oil money?

It was like magic. Men in turbans started showing up, looking for good, stable, long-term investments and Poof! Mortgage-backed securities appeared out of thin air. Brand new. Wow. Modeled on the Money Market approach to reduced risk long term investing for the future....blah, blah, blah.

And this happened-- just coincidentally? --about the same time that Bank of America and Merrill Lynch were getting nervous because they knew that virtually the entire mortgage "industry" in America was based on bank fraud and false claims in commerce.

Now, you might think that knowing what they knew about the fraudulent mortgage industry, they'd pull the brakes on "mortgage-backed securities investments" but no, they decided instead to share the pain with the whole world, and exploded it, instead. They took a simple but profitable 1930's style bank fraud and made it into a modern investment securities fraud.

So there's the CIA's Bank of America off-loading toxic investments based on bogus mortgages---- mortgages that they already knew were fraudulent because they set up the con game and hooked people who didn't really owe mortgages into paying them in the first place.

Enter good ole "Spread-the-Liability" Merrill-Lynch, licking its lips, and JP Morgan-Stanley, oh, what-a-wonderful idea! Mortgage-backed securities!

And they sold this "concept" to oil rich Middle Eastern investors, both individuals and entire countries, encouraging them to invest heavily in this new sure-thing: mortgage-backed securities---- and they did this with malice-aforethought, full and well-knowing that those mortgages were 90% phony baloney and that sooner or later the fraud would be discovered and the whole market would tank.

But you see, from their perspective, that wasn't a bad result.

All the Middle Eastern wealth --- that could otherwise compete with and be a threat to them --- would disappear when the fraud at the core of the mortgage industry came out and the bubble burst. And when it did, they'd be standing there innocent as daisies in May, with their own share of the oil wealth intact, ready to buy back everything in sight for pennies on a dollar. Just like they bought up everything in the 1930's for almost nothing.

Now, if you were a Middle Eastern country whose oil supplies were petering out and you had socked most of your seed money into American and European mortgage-backed securities, and you found out that in fact, over a billion people and companies had been grossly defrauded and were literally paying on mortgages that they never owed-----?

And that furthermore, the securities brokers and banks had sold off and sold on shares in the same mortgage-backed securities you thought you owned, with no actual paper trail or validated proof of ownership interest using "MERS", and had created a situation (deliberately) where dozens if not hundreds of different investors had purported ownership interests in the same houses? Well?

How would you feel about this?

Probably the same way you will feel when you wake up and realize that (in all likelihood) you've been paying a mortgage you don't owe, just like your parents paid mortgages they didn't owe, either. Probably the same way you might feel when you realize that your Pension Fund got suckered in just like those folks over in the Middle East.

And everyone will be pointing fingers at everyone else, the victims in the Middle East will be pointing at "the Americans" and "the Americans" will be told (are already being told) that it was the Iranians that did all this and so, if we are really, really stupid --- we will believe the Nightly News. Again.

But the fact of the matter is that this whole problem started back in the 1930's when FDR led this country off the tracks and "departed from a normal course of business" without telling the rest of us, and "the US government" ---which is a Subcontractor and not American at all, started letting the central banks bilk innocent Americans for fun and profit.

You see, the Americans are victims on the mortgage side of this. And the Middle Eastern Investors and our own Pension Funds are victims, too.

And there is only one common denominator: the Middlemen. The Federal Government Subcontractors working for the Pope, and the banks and securities brokers, who are also working for the Pope.

All roads lead to Rome and Mystery Babylon.

If we have learned anything over the past 5,000 years, let us remember now that: the Vermin always blame the Victims. And the Victims are kept so confused they can't blame the Vermin in return.

Let's change that. See through that.

They, the Vermin, will tell us that its the Evil Middle Eastern Investors, waging economic war against us. And they will tell the Bilked Middle Eastern Investors that it was the vile, sneaky "Americans" (never "the US" --the ones that actually did the dirt on both sides of the equation) and they will have us at each other's throats instead of going after the Middlemen responsible.

Well, folks, this is a proverbial pot of snakes, for sure. Hardly anyone in America ever legitimately owed a mortgage. Maybe 12% of mortgages were valid, and even those can no longer be validated. People from all over the world, including our own pension funds, have invested in these worthless, fraudulent contracts.

And the banks and securities firms knew that they were fraudulent, worthless contracts when they sold them as investments.

Now, I am trying to be as honest and fair about this as I can be, to everyone involved. I have the greatest sympathy for the victims on both sides--- the Americans who were bilked into paying debts they never owed, and the Middle Eastern Investors, who thought (like almost everyone else) that they were investing their oil wealth into rock solid investments for the future.

The ones I don't have much sympathy for are the bankers and brokers that have been engaged in bilking the American people since the 1930's and the government that has promoted and all allowed this.

I want everyone to understand that "the US" Government responsible for this is under contract to provide us with "essential government services" but isn't in fact American. It's owned and operated by the Pope -- both directly in the case of the Municipal United States Government, and indirectly, because the Queen is his Overseer of the British Territorial United States Government.

So, all you Mad-As-Hell Iranians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Egyptians, Everyone in the Middle East --- we hear you. We understand why you are angry. But it isn't us doing this to you. In fact, we've been taking it in the shorts ourselves --- and at the hands of the same Perpetrator(s).

Please stop shouting "Death to America" and "Death to Americans" --- we've been fed lies for generations and used as cheap mercenaries without even knowing that we were acting as mercenaries. We aren't the problem. The problem is with our Subcontractors, and they are all owned and operated by the Pope.

So let's give him a hard time instead.

We are doing our best to get control of the situation and it would be a good thing for everyone to simmer down and not let these rats succeed in getting us all to go to war, because that is what they want. They want to sit in the Middle as the Odd Man out, and let their Victims destroy each other, just by telling lies first to one and then to the other.

Instead, we should concentrate on exposing their criminality to the entire world. We should confiscate their wealth and work with other people and other countries to clean this Mess up--- and we can do so without firing a single shot.

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Operation Disclosure: For America and the Middle Eastern Countries -- Anna Von Reitz
For America and the Middle Eastern Countries -- Anna Von Reitz
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