False Claims A-Coming -- Anna Von Reitz

Thursday, January 2, 2020 False Claims A-Coming Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz I am getting reports from all over the cou...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

False Claims A-Coming

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz

I am getting reports from all over the country that people are suddenly receiving large tax bills, especially property tax bills, that are being spun off the TARP Bailout that Mr. Obummer organized in 2007, in collusion with the Office of the United States Attorney General and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., in Arizona. These False Claims against the assets of our Counties were engineered in advance of the 2008 Meltdown of the Financial Sector as a means to fund the bank Bailout, which was the entire object of the exercise ---- and then, to lay this burden on the unsuspecting American People. This fraud was committed using a "MASTER FORM LINE OF CREDIT DEED OF TRUST", an example of which can be seen recorded in Recording District 301, Anchorage, Alaska, 2007-061209-0, on September 25, 2007.

We are now faced with international bill collectors up the wazoo, coming after us and our actual assets as if we had anything to do with any of this.

It's not your bill, even though it is "apparently" being addressed to you, and it is not your land and soil that is being attached --- it's their DESCRIPTION of your land and soil that is the object of these False Claims in Commerce.

They scheme up some description of your land and soil ---- like a street address: 5100 Morningside Circle, for example. Or a Lot and Block description like "Block 9, Lot 11, Silver Stream Subdivision" and so on. And these descriptions are being foreclosed upon, unless of course, you pay the racketeers large sums of "property taxes" that you either (a) outright don't owe, or (b) may owe, but are entitled to discharge by Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption.

The bill collectors don't know anything about this. They are being paid a commission according to how much they can "recover" from these Big Lies, so they don't care, either. And the Perpetrators who should have protected you from anything like this, are snugged up on Capitol Hill, hoping that you will just bow down and pay, pay, pay.

The Tax Assessors have your land and soil misidentified as "income producing" residential, commercial, or agricultural property" belonging to a brand new "federal county" organization. Take a real close look at the paperwork. You will notice that it is addressed in an odd way and that the names are slightly different --- in some cases the addresses are different, too. A "federal county" is another oxymoron, and it refers to a "county" business organization operated by foreign corporations ---- as if "Target, Inc." --- a well-known French Commercial Corporation --- went into the "county" business and charged you for their services without any contract with you at all.

So you have to take on the Tax Assessor and his office and issue a "Correction Instrument" to the County Registrar in the county you were born in (telling them "under penalty of perjury under the Public Law of The United States of America" (and under a Witness Jurat from one of their Notaries) that you are not a "resident" and not a British Territorial United States Citizen and not a Municipal "citizen of the United States" and saying that you are acting "without the United States and without the United States of America". Firmly state that you are a State Citizen of The United States, a Texan, living on the land and soil, requiring correction of the mis-registration and impersonation of your name and misrepresentation of your political status as that of a federal citizen. They are requested and required to remove your name from the Register.

If you have been following along, you can additionally tell them that your proper political status and Trade Name (which is your Trademark) are already recorded as your private property.

Then issue a Corrected Deed and Re-conveyance of Title --- same perjury declaration and notarial Witness Jurat --- and record it with the County Recorder in the county where the land is mapped, also identifying yourself as the private American Person in possession of this land and soil and claiming all descriptions of it --- and then list them all --- street, plat, parcel number(s), lot and block, --- whatever descriptions they have applied to your property, you claim them all, and the underlying United States Patent, all titles, all easements, all driveways and accesses, all water resources and utilities and appurtenances related to to this land and soil properly described by its metes and bounds, mapped, surveyed and made part of and incorporated into this Public Record ---- are returned to Texas and to (Your Name) as a Freehold in perpetuity."

Then pick up a current UCC-1 Form off the internet and the Addendum Form to it and whatever name the land is now under, you write it in all capitals and you name that ENTITY as a DEBTOR on the UCC-1 ---- that's the Municipal Government Franchise. Give it's address as 55 Water Street, 4 Conc, New York, New York, 10041 and the country code is "US" Next, you write the name in Upper and Lower Case --- this will in most cases look just like your Given Name, but in this context, it is a Debtor to you ---- the Territorial Government Franchise --- and write in its address as your birth County Registrar's Address and the country code is "USA".

You are the Creditor, but for this purpose you are going to operate as part of an organization ---- the unincorporated version of The United States of America, to be precise. You are going to name yourself as your own Fiduciary. So write your name out as an "Organization" ---- Upper and Lower Case, and give your country address as "usa" and "In care of" your usual mailing address.

In the collateral section you list all the descriptions of your land and soil again and check the "non-UCC Lien" in box 6. Then, on the Addendum, you name The United States of America [Unincorporated] as an additional Secured Party, give my In Care Of: mailing address as the address and "usa" as the country, and you check the box requiring this to be posted among the real estate records, and you put whatever the old owner of record name was in the bottom left box and you check the "Fixture Lien" box on the right hand side and you claim the additional collateral of all paper, all ink, all electronic substance being or bearing any impression of your Trademark: Your Name, however styled or ordered or represented on deeds, patents, powers of attorney, records and registrations.

You get three certified copies of all the above, and you keep one set for you, one set goes to the Tax Assessor, and the third gives to the "State of State" Secretary of State.

You write a cover letter very clearly stating that you are not a "resident" of the State of Texas. You are part of the living population of Texas and the State of Texas owes you Good Faith and Service under the terms of The Constitution of the United States of America. You are informing all Parties of your correct political status and proper possession of the land and soil of Texas associated with your Trademark (which is your Given Name) which is an American Person protected under Article IV. You are directing the State of Texas to make the appropriate corrections to its records and directing the Tax Assessor to remove your name and your land and soil assets from the Tax Rolls of both the Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations. You are not operating as a corporate franchise and your land and soil is not "income producing" corporate agricultural, commercial, or residential property within the meaning and intent of Federal Code.

If they have bills for services rendered and agreed upon, the proper way to submit them is via a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption Voucher, not by pretending that you are a federal corporation.

This is nasty paperwork, I know. But it is only about six pages all told, and it effectively puts an end to all their false claims about you and about your land assets. Claiming your trademark and everything that is imprinted with it pretty much does them over, and because you gave Notice to both the Recorder and the Registrars (County and UCC) they've got nowhere left to go to continue their False Claims process. They may try to mis-address you by a different name. Just record another Certificate of Assumed Name to take charge of that name, too.

You are the Holder in Due Course of your Trademark (Given Name) and they have been abusing it via impersonation to benefit themselves. That's a crime, akin to rustling and re-branding cattle, and like rustling, is actually a capital crime in Texas. If they want to discuss it further, you are available for consultation. Otherwise, you wish your name and your assets to be off their tax rolls and also wish for an end to any attempts to mis-address you or latch your assets or mis-characterize you as any kind of foreign citizen owing allegiance to the Queen or the Pope.

Thank you very much for your time and attention, etc.,etc.,etc.,

Why we have not begun stringing the Perpetrators up on lamp posts is a testament to the Christian forbearance of the people of this country. Those who have engaged in these practices and in making these False Claims are international criminals, nothing more or less. It has no political substance or overtones. It is merely a vicious commercial fraud scheme. And it is up to each of us to join together and put a stop to it.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net and get started today. You have the power to end the crimes and enforce against the criminals--- lawfully, peacefully, and effectively.

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Operation Disclosure: False Claims A-Coming -- Anna Von Reitz
False Claims A-Coming -- Anna Von Reitz
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