IMPEACHMENTgate: The Deep State Coup Conspiracy and Democrat Scandal That Will Forever Destroy Their Treasonous Party Posted on December 1...
IMPEACHMENTgate: The Deep State Coup Conspiracy and Democrat Scandal That Will Forever Destroy Their Treasonous Party
Posted on December 19, 2019
Source: State of the Nation

IMPEACHMENTgate: A Deep State Hoax Carried Out to Distract from the Countless Democrat Scandals, Criminal Conspiracies and Coup Attempts
The primary criminal conspiracy is the ongoing Deep State-directed coup d’état that continually morphs from one massive Democrat crime spree into another.
State of the Nation
Impeachment Fiasco
Now that the Democrats have done the dirty deed, every American is compelled to ask:
What in the world is really going on?!
While it appears to be very complicated, and it is, it’s really all very simple.
The short answer is found in the subtitle of this post: “IMPEACHMENTgate is a transparent Deep State Hoax Carried Out to Distract from the Countless Democrat Scandals, Criminal Conspiracies and Naked Betrayals”
The longer answer is that the Democrat Party has become so corrupt and criminal in their collective and individual conduct that they have no choice but to majorly distract the body politic from their many scandals. There are now so many Democrat scandals, and so much criminality perpetrated by the Left, that it boggles the mind. Therefore, they truly feel they have no other option but to blow the whole place up … as in orchestrate an obviously false impeachment of an innocent POTUS.
What better way to start a second civil war — right during the holidays — than to unjustly impeach a President whose only ‘crime’ was to LAWFULLY investigate Democrat transgressions of federal law.
Really, exactly who is it that is intentionally ruining the Christmas season with an utterly reckless and politically grotesque impeachment proceeding? See The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America
KEY POINT: Remember the Democrats have always been extremely proficient at accusing the opposition of the very crimes and scandals and wrongdoings that they have themselves committed. President Trump has repeatedly been a victim of this ploy. And, it works like a charm … … … but only up to a certain point.
What outrageous scandals? What vast criminal conspiracies? What brazen cover-ups? What lawlessness and corruption? What institutional malfeasance?
How about these:
UKRAINEgate 1 & 2
KEY POINT: Even the original Watergate scandal was really about Pedogate. Now how many folks know about that?! See DEEP STATE BOMBSHELL: Watergate was really about Pedogate. That’s why the Democrats took down Richard Nixon so hard and so fast; they were fearful about his acquiring Pedogate evidence on prominent and/or powerful liberals inside the Beltway.
Of all the “‘Gate scandals”, the two that are by far the most radioactive and dangerous to the Left, are EPSTEINgate and Pedogate.
However, the scandal that will take down the Democrat Party forever is likely to be IMPEACHMENTgate. This particular Democrat crime wave, which was necessary for the Left to successfully bring impeachment charges, is so large and complex that practically everyone in the DNC and Democrat Congressional leadership is somehow involved. Which is a very good thing as it will assist in permanent dissolution the Democrat Party in the not-too-distant future.

What makes IMPEACHMENTgate so HUGE and deadly to the DEMs is that they have succeeded in pissing off the entire Right. More significantly, the Democrats have exposed their corrupt and criminal MO as no political party has ever done in history.
The whole electorate has easily seen through the impeachment charade. Half of those people see the flagrant injustice of it all; the other half has no conscience. See: The Most Rabidly Partisan and Unjustifiable POTUS Impeachment in American History
Hence, the impeachment process itself has driven a stake deep into the heart of the American body politic. This was done with highly purposeful design which will soon manifest well beyond the new year.
The New World Order globalist cabal planned for such a fraudulent impeachment inquiry to anger and enrage the Right like there’s no tomorrow. The desperate power elite knows that when the Right finally gets mad, it ain’t gonna be pretty.
The various goals of this NWO scheme to divide and conquer the American people are many and diverse. Ultimately, the globalists plan is to transform this nation into a totalitarian USSA where “A” stands for Amerika. This clandestine plot has been occurring under the radar for decades as a precursor to the formation of the North American Union superstate modeled after the imploding European Union. At that point, the American Republic will no longer exist.
BORDERgate: Soros-Funded Border Crashing All About Covert Formation of North American Union
As previously written, the most radioactive of all of those Democrat scandals shown above is the very last one listed—EPSTENgate. Not only are Hillary and Bill Clinton implicated in the Jeffrey Epstein RICO crime spree, so are many other Democrat VIPs and NWO globalists whose names have yet to be revealed. See: Jeffrey Epstein’s “Little Black Book”: LOTs of VIPs, Powerbrokers and Illuminati Families
When folks come to the correct understanding that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself, and that Epstein was not murdered in a jail cell, and that eyewitnesses testified that he was secretly smuggled out of the facility, you know this is the BIGGEST scandal of all just waiting to explode across the nation. See: Prison Eye-witness Says Epstein Was Released Alive in a Wheelchair at 4:15 AM on Day of Alleged Suicide
This is why the global meme: “Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself” is so critical to exposing the true depth and breadth of EPSTEINgate. And, why This Lynchpin MEME Will Take Down the Shadow Government.
There are even those political analysts and commentators (such as SOTN) who have surmised that IMPEACHMENTgate was quite deliberately staged by the Democrats as a means of distracting from EPSTEINgate, as well as from numerous other scandals. As follows:
Was This Impeachment Really Started To Distract Us From Jeffrey Epstein’s Murder
The bottom line here is that Deep State operatives are using the Democrat communists to distract, divert and misdirect from so many crimes and scandals. They really thought Hillary was going to win … and when she lost, they were faced with implementing the biggest cover-ups in U.S. history.
How the Deep State Democrats will possibly continue to cover up so many real criminal conspiracies remains to be seen. After all, there does come a point when the task of multitudinous cover-ups becomes virtually impossible to carry out in any meaningful way.
The upshot of the foregoing compendium of Democrat serial criminality and corruption is that they can never again be permitted to hold power, especially within the Executive Branch of the U.S. Federal Government. And, that it’s now imperative the Democrat Party be dissolved and outlawed for the good of the Republic.
SPECIAL NOTE: There has been a palpable display today — the day after the official impeachment of Donald Trump — of incredulity and shock, apprehension and dismay because of this gross miscarriage of injustice. Whether one likes or dislikes the President is quite irrelevant in this case. What the demented Democrats did was greatly undermine the “checks and balances” well intended by the framers of the U.S. Constitution. In so doing, the U.S. Congress has set an exceedingly dangerous precedent whereby the House can threaten any future POTUS with impeachment should the opposition party take umbrage with any presidential action or statement. Truly, this nation has been mortally wounded by barbarians who are not only inside the gate, they have ascended to seats of power and now pose grave threats to the continuity of this Republic. See: Pelosi’s Impeachment Charade Does Profound Damage to the Republic—IRREPARABLE DAMAGE!
State of the Nation
December 19, 2019
Editor’s Note
Please, loyal readers, distribute this important post far and wide. Everyone needs to have a comprehensive reference list of Democrat scandals and crimes that’s easily accessible for the full-scale cyber-war that’s about to commence in earnest. Thank you!
Update 1
It’s now clear that Speaker Nancy Pelosi would hold the articles of impeachment until Election Day if she could get away with it. The last thing the Democrats want is for the Republican Senate majority to quickly dismiss the fraudulent charges against Trump during the home stretch of the campaign season. In this way, Pelosi not only holds the POTUS over a barrel, so to speak, she can also continue to use the patently false impeachment allegations to distract the electorate from the many real scandals delineated above. See Despicable Democrat Refusal to Submit Articles of Impeachment Exposes Their Criminal Hoax
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If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
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If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
Posted on December 19, 2019
Source: State of the Nation
IMPEACHMENTgate: A Deep State Hoax Carried Out to Distract from the Countless Democrat Scandals, Criminal Conspiracies and Coup Attempts
The primary criminal conspiracy is the ongoing Deep State-directed coup d’état that continually morphs from one massive Democrat crime spree into another.
State of the Nation
Impeachment Fiasco
Now that the Democrats have done the dirty deed, every American is compelled to ask:
What in the world is really going on?!
While it appears to be very complicated, and it is, it’s really all very simple.
The short answer is found in the subtitle of this post: “IMPEACHMENTgate is a transparent Deep State Hoax Carried Out to Distract from the Countless Democrat Scandals, Criminal Conspiracies and Naked Betrayals”
The longer answer is that the Democrat Party has become so corrupt and criminal in their collective and individual conduct that they have no choice but to majorly distract the body politic from their many scandals. There are now so many Democrat scandals, and so much criminality perpetrated by the Left, that it boggles the mind. Therefore, they truly feel they have no other option but to blow the whole place up … as in orchestrate an obviously false impeachment of an innocent POTUS.
What better way to start a second civil war — right during the holidays — than to unjustly impeach a President whose only ‘crime’ was to LAWFULLY investigate Democrat transgressions of federal law.
Really, exactly who is it that is intentionally ruining the Christmas season with an utterly reckless and politically grotesque impeachment proceeding? See The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America
KEY POINT: Remember the Democrats have always been extremely proficient at accusing the opposition of the very crimes and scandals and wrongdoings that they have themselves committed. President Trump has repeatedly been a victim of this ploy. And, it works like a charm … … … but only up to a certain point.
What outrageous scandals? What vast criminal conspiracies? What brazen cover-ups? What lawlessness and corruption? What institutional malfeasance?
How about these:
UKRAINEgate 1 & 2
KEY POINT: Even the original Watergate scandal was really about Pedogate. Now how many folks know about that?! See DEEP STATE BOMBSHELL: Watergate was really about Pedogate. That’s why the Democrats took down Richard Nixon so hard and so fast; they were fearful about his acquiring Pedogate evidence on prominent and/or powerful liberals inside the Beltway.
Of all the “‘Gate scandals”, the two that are by far the most radioactive and dangerous to the Left, are EPSTEINgate and Pedogate.
However, the scandal that will take down the Democrat Party forever is likely to be IMPEACHMENTgate. This particular Democrat crime wave, which was necessary for the Left to successfully bring impeachment charges, is so large and complex that practically everyone in the DNC and Democrat Congressional leadership is somehow involved. Which is a very good thing as it will assist in permanent dissolution the Democrat Party in the not-too-distant future.
What makes IMPEACHMENTgate so HUGE and deadly to the DEMs is that they have succeeded in pissing off the entire Right. More significantly, the Democrats have exposed their corrupt and criminal MO as no political party has ever done in history.
The whole electorate has easily seen through the impeachment charade. Half of those people see the flagrant injustice of it all; the other half has no conscience. See: The Most Rabidly Partisan and Unjustifiable POTUS Impeachment in American History
Hence, the impeachment process itself has driven a stake deep into the heart of the American body politic. This was done with highly purposeful design which will soon manifest well beyond the new year.
The New World Order globalist cabal planned for such a fraudulent impeachment inquiry to anger and enrage the Right like there’s no tomorrow. The desperate power elite knows that when the Right finally gets mad, it ain’t gonna be pretty.
The various goals of this NWO scheme to divide and conquer the American people are many and diverse. Ultimately, the globalists plan is to transform this nation into a totalitarian USSA where “A” stands for Amerika. This clandestine plot has been occurring under the radar for decades as a precursor to the formation of the North American Union superstate modeled after the imploding European Union. At that point, the American Republic will no longer exist.
BORDERgate: Soros-Funded Border Crashing All About Covert Formation of North American Union
As previously written, the most radioactive of all of those Democrat scandals shown above is the very last one listed—EPSTENgate. Not only are Hillary and Bill Clinton implicated in the Jeffrey Epstein RICO crime spree, so are many other Democrat VIPs and NWO globalists whose names have yet to be revealed. See: Jeffrey Epstein’s “Little Black Book”: LOTs of VIPs, Powerbrokers and Illuminati Families
When folks come to the correct understanding that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself, and that Epstein was not murdered in a jail cell, and that eyewitnesses testified that he was secretly smuggled out of the facility, you know this is the BIGGEST scandal of all just waiting to explode across the nation. See: Prison Eye-witness Says Epstein Was Released Alive in a Wheelchair at 4:15 AM on Day of Alleged Suicide
This is why the global meme: “Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself” is so critical to exposing the true depth and breadth of EPSTEINgate. And, why This Lynchpin MEME Will Take Down the Shadow Government.
There are even those political analysts and commentators (such as SOTN) who have surmised that IMPEACHMENTgate was quite deliberately staged by the Democrats as a means of distracting from EPSTEINgate, as well as from numerous other scandals. As follows:
Was This Impeachment Really Started To Distract Us From Jeffrey Epstein’s Murder
The bottom line here is that Deep State operatives are using the Democrat communists to distract, divert and misdirect from so many crimes and scandals. They really thought Hillary was going to win … and when she lost, they were faced with implementing the biggest cover-ups in U.S. history.
How the Deep State Democrats will possibly continue to cover up so many real criminal conspiracies remains to be seen. After all, there does come a point when the task of multitudinous cover-ups becomes virtually impossible to carry out in any meaningful way.
The upshot of the foregoing compendium of Democrat serial criminality and corruption is that they can never again be permitted to hold power, especially within the Executive Branch of the U.S. Federal Government. And, that it’s now imperative the Democrat Party be dissolved and outlawed for the good of the Republic.
SPECIAL NOTE: There has been a palpable display today — the day after the official impeachment of Donald Trump — of incredulity and shock, apprehension and dismay because of this gross miscarriage of injustice. Whether one likes or dislikes the President is quite irrelevant in this case. What the demented Democrats did was greatly undermine the “checks and balances” well intended by the framers of the U.S. Constitution. In so doing, the U.S. Congress has set an exceedingly dangerous precedent whereby the House can threaten any future POTUS with impeachment should the opposition party take umbrage with any presidential action or statement. Truly, this nation has been mortally wounded by barbarians who are not only inside the gate, they have ascended to seats of power and now pose grave threats to the continuity of this Republic. See: Pelosi’s Impeachment Charade Does Profound Damage to the Republic—IRREPARABLE DAMAGE!
State of the Nation
December 19, 2019
Editor’s Note
Please, loyal readers, distribute this important post far and wide. Everyone needs to have a comprehensive reference list of Democrat scandals and crimes that’s easily accessible for the full-scale cyber-war that’s about to commence in earnest. Thank you!
Update 1
It’s now clear that Speaker Nancy Pelosi would hold the articles of impeachment until Election Day if she could get away with it. The last thing the Democrats want is for the Republican Senate majority to quickly dismiss the fraudulent charges against Trump during the home stretch of the campaign season. In this way, Pelosi not only holds the POTUS over a barrel, so to speak, she can also continue to use the patently false impeachment allegations to distract the electorate from the many real scandals delineated above. See Despicable Democrat Refusal to Submit Articles of Impeachment Exposes Their Criminal Hoax
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure