Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Sierra (NZ) Jordan Sather's latest video outlines seven Q proofs he found in the Inspector General Repo...
Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Sierra (NZ)
Jordan Sather's latest video outlines seven Q proofs he found in the Inspector General Report...
Here is a summary of the seven Q proofs...
1) The number of errors identified in Carter Page's FISA application was...wait for it...17. Anons know that the Q number is 17 because it's the 17th letter of the alphabet.
2) A Q drop from 23rd May 2019 is titled, 'Waterfall of Q Proofs coming Post Declassification.' Jordan's video provides evidence of a waterfall of Q proofs after declassification of the IG Report.
3) A Q drop from 4th April 2018 says that 'Page (Carter Page) was a plant.' It says in the IG Report that Page was working with another intelligence agency.
4) President Trump said 'Plus, plus, plus' in a recent interview. A Q drop from 6th November 2017...
'Nothing is random.
Everything has meaning.
Seven minutes after this Q drop was published, President Trump tweeted a message that ended with 3 plus signs. As Q often says, 'It's mathematically impossible.'
5) This is a BIG Q proof. Jordan takes the time to explain it in depth. A Q drop from 2nd December 2019 shows a watch (belonging to POTUS?) with the time 1.29pm EST. Jordan says that the IG Report was loaded onto the Office of the Inspector General's website at 1pm - but they TWEETED about the release at 1.29pm EST.
The Justice Department posted a statement from Durham on their website at 1.29pm EST. So that's three connections to the time 1.29pm. As Jordan says, 'Plus, plus, plus, if you will...'
Finally, a Q drop from 9th December 2017 with the word 'Justice' was posted at 1.28.04pm (to the minute of 1.29pm).
6) Jordan downloaded the full IG Report from the Office of the Inspector General website. He says that something VERY strange happens when you copy and paste a link at the bottom of page 476. The link changes from to oiq.justice.qov/hotline. The g's become q's - but only when you copy and paste the link.
7) The final Q proof from the IG Report is a real doozey. When you type 'Comey' into the Search bar in the report, it comes up misspelled EVERY time as 'Corney'. Q drop number 2943 from 3rd March 2019 features Comey spelled as 'Corney'. And of course we have had numerous corn references in tweets from James Comey and Devin Nunes. Some Anons are speculating that Comey has 'flipped' and is working for the Alliance.
Thanks to Jordan for such an amazing decode on these Q proofs.
Once again, we see Q+/President Trump and the Alliance working very hard to reassure us that the Divine Plan is unfolding perfectly. We must remember that everything is happening behind the scenes - yet they still find time to keep us informed.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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Jordan Sather's latest video outlines seven Q proofs he found in the Inspector General Report...
Here is a summary of the seven Q proofs...
1) The number of errors identified in Carter Page's FISA application was...wait for it...17. Anons know that the Q number is 17 because it's the 17th letter of the alphabet.
2) A Q drop from 23rd May 2019 is titled, 'Waterfall of Q Proofs coming Post Declassification.' Jordan's video provides evidence of a waterfall of Q proofs after declassification of the IG Report.
3) A Q drop from 4th April 2018 says that 'Page (Carter Page) was a plant.' It says in the IG Report that Page was working with another intelligence agency.
4) President Trump said 'Plus, plus, plus' in a recent interview. A Q drop from 6th November 2017...
'Nothing is random.
Everything has meaning.
Seven minutes after this Q drop was published, President Trump tweeted a message that ended with 3 plus signs. As Q often says, 'It's mathematically impossible.'
5) This is a BIG Q proof. Jordan takes the time to explain it in depth. A Q drop from 2nd December 2019 shows a watch (belonging to POTUS?) with the time 1.29pm EST. Jordan says that the IG Report was loaded onto the Office of the Inspector General's website at 1pm - but they TWEETED about the release at 1.29pm EST.
The Justice Department posted a statement from Durham on their website at 1.29pm EST. So that's three connections to the time 1.29pm. As Jordan says, 'Plus, plus, plus, if you will...'
Finally, a Q drop from 9th December 2017 with the word 'Justice' was posted at 1.28.04pm (to the minute of 1.29pm).
6) Jordan downloaded the full IG Report from the Office of the Inspector General website. He says that something VERY strange happens when you copy and paste a link at the bottom of page 476. The link changes from to oiq.justice.qov/hotline. The g's become q's - but only when you copy and paste the link.
7) The final Q proof from the IG Report is a real doozey. When you type 'Comey' into the Search bar in the report, it comes up misspelled EVERY time as 'Corney'. Q drop number 2943 from 3rd March 2019 features Comey spelled as 'Corney'. And of course we have had numerous corn references in tweets from James Comey and Devin Nunes. Some Anons are speculating that Comey has 'flipped' and is working for the Alliance.
Thanks to Jordan for such an amazing decode on these Q proofs.
Once again, we see Q+/President Trump and the Alliance working very hard to reassure us that the Divine Plan is unfolding perfectly. We must remember that everything is happening behind the scenes - yet they still find time to keep us informed.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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