Reader Post | MM In Response to: Fake Science in the Oklahoma Bombing -- Jon Rappoport Jon's point is made because after they use...
Reader Post | MM
In Response to: Fake Science in the Oklahoma Bombing -- Jon Rappoport
Jon's point is made because after they used Oklahoma as a beta test, they went to a bigger city, with bigger buildings, and used bigger and better bombs! But in this case, the updated armory was Nano Thermite and some people say potentially miniature "nuclear" explosives were used thereby pulverizing the concrete and turning it to dust. Notwithstanding was the total free fall speed with which both buildings feel, and did you notice absolutely zero opposite reaction from the bottoms of the buildings as they fell downward, PERFECTLY. Come on, seriously? So, are you telling us that the Laws of Physics were suspended on that September 11th day? And DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH BUILDING 7, the building that if you ask 100 people in America about, you might get 3 people who actually even remember it. But that's how they "market" our narratives, by NICKNAMING them the "TWIN TOWERS", which subconsciously means 2, thereby not even mentioning the SMOKING GUN OF BUILDING 7!! And just like that, as fast as the building fell, so did it leave the memory of the people in this country.
Now go back to sleep sheep, watch your football games, don't forget The Voice is on later, and remember, the government loves you and will protect you to death, just trust them on that.
Thank the good Lord above for our President now, Donald J. Trump, because ALLLLLL OF THIS IS ABOUT TO BE EXPOSED TO HUMANITY!!! ARE YOU READY FOR THE GREAT ENLIGHTENMENT YOU DRONES? Doesn't matter anyway whether or not you are, it's coming like a ball of fire anyway!! Can't WAIT TO SEE THE LOOK ON ALLLLL THE IGNORANT FACES!!!! It's going to be so precious.
P.S. ~ This isn't for most of the people on here, because we wouldn't be here if we weren't awake, it's for the occasional moron who might stumble upon this and who lives in the Matrix. I just needed to vent. Thanks, I feel better.
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In Response to: Fake Science in the Oklahoma Bombing -- Jon Rappoport
Jon's point is made because after they used Oklahoma as a beta test, they went to a bigger city, with bigger buildings, and used bigger and better bombs! But in this case, the updated armory was Nano Thermite and some people say potentially miniature "nuclear" explosives were used thereby pulverizing the concrete and turning it to dust. Notwithstanding was the total free fall speed with which both buildings feel, and did you notice absolutely zero opposite reaction from the bottoms of the buildings as they fell downward, PERFECTLY. Come on, seriously? So, are you telling us that the Laws of Physics were suspended on that September 11th day? And DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH BUILDING 7, the building that if you ask 100 people in America about, you might get 3 people who actually even remember it. But that's how they "market" our narratives, by NICKNAMING them the "TWIN TOWERS", which subconsciously means 2, thereby not even mentioning the SMOKING GUN OF BUILDING 7!! And just like that, as fast as the building fell, so did it leave the memory of the people in this country.
Now go back to sleep sheep, watch your football games, don't forget The Voice is on later, and remember, the government loves you and will protect you to death, just trust them on that.
Thank the good Lord above for our President now, Donald J. Trump, because ALLLLLL OF THIS IS ABOUT TO BE EXPOSED TO HUMANITY!!! ARE YOU READY FOR THE GREAT ENLIGHTENMENT YOU DRONES? Doesn't matter anyway whether or not you are, it's coming like a ball of fire anyway!! Can't WAIT TO SEE THE LOOK ON ALLLLL THE IGNORANT FACES!!!! It's going to be so precious.
P.S. ~ This isn't for most of the people on here, because we wouldn't be here if we weren't awake, it's for the occasional moron who might stumble upon this and who lives in the Matrix. I just needed to vent. Thanks, I feel better.
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