Patience is a Virtue -- Dave the Differentiator

Source: Dinar Chronicles The GCR is taking time to clear all of the obstacles being positioned by the Deep State! However, it is moving fo...

Source: Dinar Chronicles

The GCR is taking time to clear all of the obstacles being positioned by the Deep State! However, it is moving forward and it is coming soon! As Judy states so frequently “Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.”

A brief review of various facts allows us, the faithful, to discern the truth as we see it.

First, it is important to understand that the Deep State or Shadow Government is very large and was developed over a very long period of time. The Office of Personnel management in the Federal Government has over 4.5 Million people. Then, there is the Senior Executive Services organization of people. Then, there is the Alphabet Agency’s (NSA, CIA, DOJ, FBI, NDIA and many more) personnel. While the exact budget of all of these government people is difficult to see as one big number, it is well over $100 Billion annually. These Deep State people number well over 5 million in total and some have enormous financial rewards every year. This Deep State Group is dedicated to the Military Industrial Complex which requires there to be many different “wars” taking placed all over the world. The technology of death to all who get in the way is well documented.

There are several different aspects and facets to the Global Currency Reset. The Global Currency Revaluation is a multi-national world-wide event seeking to achieve global peace. The transition from war to peace has been very difficult. The government is working diligently to keep the world on the path of war.

So, the Global Currency Revaluation / Reset actually has two different aspects to achieve the transition from a war (“Guns”) based economy to a peaceful humanitarian (“Butter”) based economy.

Evaluating the progress and performance of President Trump is very difficult because of the complexity of the transition from a “guns” vs. “butter’ economy in the world. The Guns economy is the make war and kill to achieve control. We know this statement to be accurate because the Military Industrial Complex is very big and very powerful.

The historical time line of global progress can be measured in wars. The History of War has given names to these conflicts but has failed to adequately disclose the Dark Side of this violent world. The kill to maintain financial power and control is well documented even in recent times. In Asia the rulers are referred to as War Lords. In Europe we have Kings and Queens who are the rulers. The one aspect of these rulers is that it took hundreds if not thousands of years to create these societies. BUT, rest assured that there is a societal structure (organization) to each and every culture.

The Global Currency Reset involves 209 Sovereign Nations with numerous religions, languages, customs, economic systems, educational systems, justice systems and other aspects that are all seeking to achieve a common denominator to accomplish lift-off so to speak.

President Trump is just one world leader in this effort of the GCR and GESARA. The corruption involved in these various fractions is difficult to imagine. The corruption in America is so great as to defy imagination. The driving force behind the corruption is usually money then followed by sex. These two factors are well documented and the thirst for power is legend. The known disclosures about the FBI and DOJ are enough to destroy any confidence in these agencies or their leaders.

In this environment is where President Trump is operating and so progress appears to be slow. The cause of the slow progress is the need to keep peace during the transition. President Trump has done an amazing job guiding the process and has been forced to use many management techniques that the average person simply has no understanding of.

To keep a perspective as to the progress being achieved by President Trump and the “Good Guys” follow the X22 Report. This Report has a Financial side of the transition and a Geo-Political side of the transition.

Then there are the people involved in the transition. The top of this organization is not known to many people for good reason. Can any rational person actually believe that the Clintons had 56 close friends all commit suicide? The “accidents” that have impacted the Clinton Crime Family are well documented and known. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have told unconscionable lies to America. Bill Clinton standing in front of the cameras and stating he did not have sex with that young lady, Monica Lewinsky has been a bigger lie than the fixing of the Baseball World Series. Hillary has so many lies in her past that it is difficult to understand how she cannot figure out why she lost to Trump. America has had it with Hillary and her lies. Hillary stating that the Benghazi Incident was the result of a video is another whooper of a lie!

President Trump has had to endure the “Resistance Movement” of Obama and Hillary. WHY? Good question! My opinion is that once the corruption in America’s government begins to get disclosed there will be many people who face death as their punishment. Obama and the Clintons are at the top of the current list of traitors who can look forward to death in the near term. George H. W. Bush and John McCain were ahead of them and they are gone.

America has so many “Whistle-Blowers” who have come forward to disclose the corruption I am amazed that anyone who is not aware of all of these problems and obstacles that President Trump has been dealing with every day. Then, there are the actual criminals who have been identified and arrested. These people have converts who have come over to the good side and are now “Cooperating Witnesses” giving testimony and evidence against the “Deep State”. For example, Anthony Weiner, husband to Huma Abedin, assistant to Hillary Clinton. Anthony Weiner had a lap top computer that contained all of the missing Hillary emails which are now in the possession of the government. Additionally, there was much more on this computer which is now evidence against Hillary. IMO some of this is Clinton Foundation financial records. There are two former Clinton Foundation employees who are said to be cooperating witnesses. IMO there is lots of evidence of the Joe Biden corruption in the Ukraine. The trifecta of James Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper all being directed and commanded by President Obama at the time of the Spy-Gate Conspiracy which transitioned into an ACT OF SEDITION. The tres amigos of Comey, Brennan and Clapper will all hang together.

The Whistle Blowers include Admiral Mike Rogers, Robert David Steele, Dan Bongino, Kevin Shipp, Gary Byrne, Edwin Klein, and hundreds more who cannot be ignored. The evidence of the Spy-Gate Conspiracy is so over whelming that I find it difficult to understand how any rational person cannot see the Trump Train coming down the tracks. The light at the end of the tunnel is on the front of this train and the Depp State is about to be destroyed!

As the sleeper cells of the Deep State step forward the new evidence is well worth the wait and the arrest and elimination of these traitors is a necessary part of this transition toward the GCR!

All of the above disclosures have been reported on the Internet and are in the public domain for any interested party to read and evaluated. The Wayne Allen Root allegations of Obama’s sexual activities in Chicago are well known and documented. Is Michelle a man as claimed on the Internet – there is a long history to support this allegation. Is Obama a Muslim? He actually said he was in an Interview available on the Internet.

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Operation Disclosure: Patience is a Virtue -- Dave the Differentiator
Patience is a Virtue -- Dave the Differentiator
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