The Mindblowing Reality Humanity Has Forgotten | Yellow Rose for Texas [videos] OCTOBER 5, 2019 Source: Starship Earth: The Big Picture ...
The Mindblowing Reality Humanity Has Forgotten | Yellow Rose for Texas [videos]
OCTOBER 5, 2019
Source: Starship Earth: The Big Picture
The Collapsing Babylon Company Store update 10 3 19
Watch “Birth of New Races” on Vimeo at this link.
Rose finally has some new videos for us and they are worth waiting for. Wow. She reveals a few things that over the years I had not heard before and it dropped several more pieces of the puzzle into my ‘big picture’ for so much more clarity. Thank you, Rose.
The major quandary I had was the disparity in size between Humanity and other entities we have been shown on the NASA cams. Now I understand.
When Q says, “Expand your thinking”, you’ll know it shouldn’t be hard, as WE are expanding… morphing… into higher, more intelligent Humans. A new race of larger Beings.
The question remains, “When will we ‘stand up’ and be ‘pulled'”? According to Rose, it will be after Trump prepares this old planet of ours for those who are staying and wars cease. We must have peace, and they must have a fighting chance to evolve at their own speed.
The movie excerpt from The Giver with Jeff Bridges is excellent but the whole movie gives a better idea of the limited reality we are experiencing and how much more there is that we’re not told. We are so misinformed about who we are, why we’re here, the purpose of life,spirituality, and our future destination.
Another message Rose brings is that we mustn’t fear the changes we see in our skies.
What have we seen? Well, plenty, but below are a few videos documenting things that are not status quo.
There’s nothing to fear, and fear might glue us inside this old carcass we need to leave to move on up the evolutionary scale to the higher realms.
Rose’s second video that she recommends on Vimeo (banned on ThemTube) has a little overlap with the video above, but it’s mostly different material.
I believe the reason she includes the Pastor’s dream in both videos is because it so closely resembles her understanding of what lies ahead for us. It’s very exciting, yes? I can’t wait for them to try to make up to us for what we have been through. I’ll be asking, “what took so long?” She says, “One” is worth waiting for.
You will see from the movie excerpt Rose includes in the Vimeo that some people did some things; there are indictments pending, and they might want to escape to another planet so they don’t have to deal with prosecution on Earth for their crimes.
We have been assured that the evil cabal does not get to pass “GO”, and there’s no “get out of jail free” cards for them. They will not be permitted to hop on one of their fancy ships they financed through stolen funds from the People for their black projects, and hide on another planet. They are trapped here, just as we are, and they will face the music. And they know it.

Does it seem likely that a “fireball” or “meteorite” caused this? Quite a ride.
We understand that some of the “fireballs” we have seen are cabal ships the positive alliance shot down because the psychopaths were warned if they attempted to leave they would be destroyed. They have free will, too, and it’s their choice. Is that why the uptick in “fireballs” recently? Perhaps.
I am going to have to watch the YouTube video a few times because Rose crams in a tonne of information. She has audio, scrolling text, and images all going at the same time to fit it all in and I can only focus on one of them at a time if I don’t want to miss anything. Pausing is mandatory.
Her videos are perfect timing because they support and expand on my post from yesterday.
Thanks to the crew for the heads up. I was out all afternoon and it was a treat to come home and have YRFT vids waiting to be explored.
If you’re relatively new and haven’t yet seen Rose’s videos The Lie NASA Told and The Lie the Vatican Told on YouTube, I would do that ASAP for an understanding of what has transpired on this planet as a result of the off-world interference, manipulation, and predation over the millennia.
There’s one more must-watch video from Rose I will share in a separate post. ~ BP
Mysterious Purple Lights In The Sky Over Wisconsin
Massive “Wheel in the Sky” | Mysterious HUGE “Ship” above Yosemite – Men stop car to record enigma!
How Much of this is Projected? MIND BLOWER from Dave B.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
OCTOBER 5, 2019
Source: Starship Earth: The Big Picture
The Collapsing Babylon Company Store update 10 3 19
Watch “Birth of New Races” on Vimeo at this link.
Rose finally has some new videos for us and they are worth waiting for. Wow. She reveals a few things that over the years I had not heard before and it dropped several more pieces of the puzzle into my ‘big picture’ for so much more clarity. Thank you, Rose.
The major quandary I had was the disparity in size between Humanity and other entities we have been shown on the NASA cams. Now I understand.
When Q says, “Expand your thinking”, you’ll know it shouldn’t be hard, as WE are expanding… morphing… into higher, more intelligent Humans. A new race of larger Beings.
The question remains, “When will we ‘stand up’ and be ‘pulled'”? According to Rose, it will be after Trump prepares this old planet of ours for those who are staying and wars cease. We must have peace, and they must have a fighting chance to evolve at their own speed.
The movie excerpt from The Giver with Jeff Bridges is excellent but the whole movie gives a better idea of the limited reality we are experiencing and how much more there is that we’re not told. We are so misinformed about who we are, why we’re here, the purpose of life,spirituality, and our future destination.
Another message Rose brings is that we mustn’t fear the changes we see in our skies.
What have we seen? Well, plenty, but below are a few videos documenting things that are not status quo.
There’s nothing to fear, and fear might glue us inside this old carcass we need to leave to move on up the evolutionary scale to the higher realms.
Rose’s second video that she recommends on Vimeo (banned on ThemTube) has a little overlap with the video above, but it’s mostly different material.
I believe the reason she includes the Pastor’s dream in both videos is because it so closely resembles her understanding of what lies ahead for us. It’s very exciting, yes? I can’t wait for them to try to make up to us for what we have been through. I’ll be asking, “what took so long?” She says, “One” is worth waiting for.
You will see from the movie excerpt Rose includes in the Vimeo that some people did some things; there are indictments pending, and they might want to escape to another planet so they don’t have to deal with prosecution on Earth for their crimes.
We have been assured that the evil cabal does not get to pass “GO”, and there’s no “get out of jail free” cards for them. They will not be permitted to hop on one of their fancy ships they financed through stolen funds from the People for their black projects, and hide on another planet. They are trapped here, just as we are, and they will face the music. And they know it.
Does it seem likely that a “fireball” or “meteorite” caused this? Quite a ride.
We understand that some of the “fireballs” we have seen are cabal ships the positive alliance shot down because the psychopaths were warned if they attempted to leave they would be destroyed. They have free will, too, and it’s their choice. Is that why the uptick in “fireballs” recently? Perhaps.
I am going to have to watch the YouTube video a few times because Rose crams in a tonne of information. She has audio, scrolling text, and images all going at the same time to fit it all in and I can only focus on one of them at a time if I don’t want to miss anything. Pausing is mandatory.
Her videos are perfect timing because they support and expand on my post from yesterday.
Thanks to the crew for the heads up. I was out all afternoon and it was a treat to come home and have YRFT vids waiting to be explored.
If you’re relatively new and haven’t yet seen Rose’s videos The Lie NASA Told and The Lie the Vatican Told on YouTube, I would do that ASAP for an understanding of what has transpired on this planet as a result of the off-world interference, manipulation, and predation over the millennia.
There’s one more must-watch video from Rose I will share in a separate post. ~ BP
Mysterious Purple Lights In The Sky Over Wisconsin
Massive “Wheel in the Sky” | Mysterious HUGE “Ship” above Yosemite – Men stop car to record enigma!
How Much of this is Projected? MIND BLOWER from Dave B.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure