9/11: America’s Reichstag Fire? September 11, 2019 Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow When the world awakens to the fact ...
9/11: America’s Reichstag Fire?
September 11, 2019
Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow
When the world awakens to the fact that Muslims played almost no role in 9/11, I predict that a collective shudder of revulsion will sweep the non-Muslim world.
What have we done? Why did we do that?
And a collective shudder of grief will sweep the Muslim world.
All those lost years, the scars, the rejection.
We of the once-Allied nations have on occasion asked ourselves, “How could Germany have been so deceived as they were by Hitler?” How can we have been so deceived by 9/11?
One truth about 9/11 is that Muslims had almost nothing to do with it. (1)
Despite the evidence brought forward of Muslim innocence of the charges brought against them, we take no steps towards admitting having been deceived and showing contrition for acting on the accusations. (2)
As the truth of 9/11 unfolds, one thing we’ll see is the innocence of Muslims of the charges made against them. Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent. He was nowhere near an Afghani cave on 9/11, but resting in an Islamabad hospital after dialysis. He died in late 2001 or early 2002. For revealing it, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. (3)
The real owners of passports stolen and used by the hijackers reported their theft to police. Though this information was conveyed to the Bush White House, which acknowledged it, it went all but unmentioned in the mainstream press.
If the hijackers were said to be Muslims and were not, what else is fabricated. Who is doing the fabricating? And who are they hiding?
While we don’t know that, we do know that Muslims have been their scapegoats.
We might say to ourselves, there never could be a police state here. This is the land of the free.
There already is a police state here and the brave forces arrayed against it are dismantling it as we speak.
There’s not only a police state and a military-industrial complex but also a prison-industrial complex and the players work hand-in-hand to muzzle dissent – and turn a profit.
I’m led to believe that all deep-state organizations and agencies are being taken out of action, legally, though that may include the use of deadly force in self-defence.
The Alliance are risking their lives for us.

Reichstag fire, most likely set by the Nazis
We fell for the modern equivalent of the Reichstag fire. We allowed the suspension of civil rights and the rise of a military-industrial state that threatened the whole of the planet – on the basis of a false-flag operation.
The terrorism that led to and followed 9/11 has always been state terrorism (our state has been the terrorist). All the terror alerts are state-issued. We’ve been played for years.
The irony is that the very state that betrayed us is the very state we want to look to for protection, deep down inside.
Government is supposed to protect us. That’s what it’s there for. Not to harm us as our present governments have done and are doing.
As the Alliance dismantles the deep-state structure, it’s up to us to build a new one. I hope we don’t allow our experience to date to sour us on clean government. It’s possible to have it, but it’s up to us to build it.
Clean government is one act of reparation we can offer to folks who were scapegoated and lost their chance at happiness on that day.
There were no victors on 9/11; only victims.
(1) The head of Pakistan’s military intelligence agency (ISI) appears to have played an unknown role in 9/11. He’s the only major Muslim conspirator that I’m aware of.
See also:
(3) We lost peace in the world, truth in government, and our honor through false accusations.
After 9/11, we shot first and asked questions later and it turned out we were in the wrong house.
The Fusion GPS/Steele dossier was a second similar attempt to falsify events, with alphabet agencies playing a central role in that conspiracy as well.
McCarthyite blacklists are another example of whipping up public sentiment against a scapegoat to garner power, as we did with Muslims after 9/11.
The black hats have lost a huge amount for whatever temporary gain they realized. Their regret, I think, will be endless when they awaken to the loss. We send our love to them to pass through that awakening.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
September 11, 2019
Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow
When the world awakens to the fact that Muslims played almost no role in 9/11, I predict that a collective shudder of revulsion will sweep the non-Muslim world.
What have we done? Why did we do that?
And a collective shudder of grief will sweep the Muslim world.
All those lost years, the scars, the rejection.
We of the once-Allied nations have on occasion asked ourselves, “How could Germany have been so deceived as they were by Hitler?” How can we have been so deceived by 9/11?
One truth about 9/11 is that Muslims had almost nothing to do with it. (1)
Despite the evidence brought forward of Muslim innocence of the charges brought against them, we take no steps towards admitting having been deceived and showing contrition for acting on the accusations. (2)
As the truth of 9/11 unfolds, one thing we’ll see is the innocence of Muslims of the charges made against them. Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent. He was nowhere near an Afghani cave on 9/11, but resting in an Islamabad hospital after dialysis. He died in late 2001 or early 2002. For revealing it, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. (3)
The real owners of passports stolen and used by the hijackers reported their theft to police. Though this information was conveyed to the Bush White House, which acknowledged it, it went all but unmentioned in the mainstream press.
If the hijackers were said to be Muslims and were not, what else is fabricated. Who is doing the fabricating? And who are they hiding?
While we don’t know that, we do know that Muslims have been their scapegoats.
We might say to ourselves, there never could be a police state here. This is the land of the free.
There already is a police state here and the brave forces arrayed against it are dismantling it as we speak.
There’s not only a police state and a military-industrial complex but also a prison-industrial complex and the players work hand-in-hand to muzzle dissent – and turn a profit.
I’m led to believe that all deep-state organizations and agencies are being taken out of action, legally, though that may include the use of deadly force in self-defence.
The Alliance are risking their lives for us.

Reichstag fire, most likely set by the Nazis
We fell for the modern equivalent of the Reichstag fire. We allowed the suspension of civil rights and the rise of a military-industrial state that threatened the whole of the planet – on the basis of a false-flag operation.
The terrorism that led to and followed 9/11 has always been state terrorism (our state has been the terrorist). All the terror alerts are state-issued. We’ve been played for years.
The irony is that the very state that betrayed us is the very state we want to look to for protection, deep down inside.
Government is supposed to protect us. That’s what it’s there for. Not to harm us as our present governments have done and are doing.
As the Alliance dismantles the deep-state structure, it’s up to us to build a new one. I hope we don’t allow our experience to date to sour us on clean government. It’s possible to have it, but it’s up to us to build it.
Clean government is one act of reparation we can offer to folks who were scapegoated and lost their chance at happiness on that day.
There were no victors on 9/11; only victims.
(1) The head of Pakistan’s military intelligence agency (ISI) appears to have played an unknown role in 9/11. He’s the only major Muslim conspirator that I’m aware of.
See also:
- This 9/11, It’s Time to Apologize to Muslims
- To Muslims of America, I Apologize
- Islamophobia
- “Ground Zero Mosque” and 9/11
- Another 9/11 Comes and Goes. When Will We Apologize to the Islamic World?
- Apology to World Islam
- This 9/11, Vindicate the American Muslim Community
(3) We lost peace in the world, truth in government, and our honor through false accusations.
After 9/11, we shot first and asked questions later and it turned out we were in the wrong house.
The Fusion GPS/Steele dossier was a second similar attempt to falsify events, with alphabet agencies playing a central role in that conspiracy as well.
McCarthyite blacklists are another example of whipping up public sentiment against a scapegoat to garner power, as we did with Muslims after 9/11.
The black hats have lost a huge amount for whatever temporary gain they realized. Their regret, I think, will be endless when they awaken to the loss. We send our love to them to pass through that awakening.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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