Reader Post | Wonder Woman Dating back to his first arrival at the western Canada celebrity cloning center at age five, Donald Marshall s...
Reader Post | Wonder Woman
Dating back to his first arrival at the western Canada celebrity cloning center at age five, Donald Marshall says Donald Trump was a regular visitor at the center in his clone form, and he was someone who Marshall did not particularly like at the time.
Marshall says he had many conversations with Trump over the years while his consciousness was involuntarily being zapped into the clone facility during his R.E.M. sleep cycle, and his issues with the current US president were two-fold. First, Trump was seemingly “down with the Illuminati,” down with the presence of Vril on the planet, and down with the massive cloning operation in general; he knew everything about everything and was willing to keep quiet about all of it. And second, apparently Trump ended up making several cool millions from patenting a product idea Marshall originally came up with, giving Marshall no credit and no share of the profits whatsoever.
There was another incident that occurred five or so years ago in the clone center that Marshall relays on his message board in an almost apologetic fashion. Apparently one evening in the zone Trump’s clone shot Marshall’s clone in the stomach with a handgun, Marshall said it was extremely painful. Two points need to be made here. 1) Clone forms are duplications of the original human form, and although they only take five or six months to form, they are replete with a central nervous system that experiences sensations exactly as the human would. 2) According to Marshall, clones tend to be somewhat dumb and slightly prone to malfunctioning, an allowance he seems to be giving the Trump clone.
Now, why am I telling you all of this?
Because it’s all about transparency now, folks. The truth. Now and forever. The veil of secrecy and darkness across this poor little world has finally lifted, and Trump isn’t afraid of the truth.
However, as Heisenberg cleverly pointed out in his most recent IDC post, not everyone is actually ready for the truth, whether they realize it or not. Heis says there’s some preparation work involved before folks will be able to survive the truth tsunami roaring toward us all. He says people will be fine only if they are able to suspend ALL strongly held beLIEfs in lieu of receiving new information in a state of wonder. As in, as Heis infers, let me just take this in and consider it as a possibility. Let’s practice this wondering thing with this tidbit Donald Marshall shares about one of the world’s most beloved icons, John Lennon, shall we? Here we go.
According to Marshall, John Lennon was NOT a nice man, NOT AT ALL. Lennon was a mean and nasty gay guy who tormented his eventual killer Mark David Chapman’s clone in the clone zone to the point of him offing Lennon IRL just to stop the constant unwelcomed buggering.

(photo: Yoko Ono, Andy Warhol, John Lennon)
Not what you really wanted to know about John Lennon, is it?
Sorry, but it’s all about transparency now.
John Lennon was a mean and nasty gay guy who continually foisted himself upon an unwilling and still-not-gay clone duplicate of Mark David Chapman because John Lennon had been Vril-killed a very long time ago. John made that deal with the devil. He traded his mortal ascension-potential humanness for fame and fortune. One day, John Lennon allowed a creepy little swamp rat sized Type I Vril creature to climb up onto his lap, grasp ahold of his face with its creepy little claws, and insert the creepy little obelisk shaped proboscis located on the top of its head into Lennon’s eye socket. There the Vril released what is loosely referred to as a “parasite,” which literally consisted of the Vril’s creepy little brain/consciousness attached to a length of the Vril’s disconnected spinal cord, which then proceeded to wrap itself around John Lennon’s optic nerve. The bug then secreted a foamy substance which, over the agonizing course of a few weeks, effectively replaced John Lennon’s naturally born human consciousness with it’s own creepy little brain/consciousness. And although the Vril bug had access to nearly all of its new “host” John Lennon’s memory bank, it maintained its own overriding Vril identity-personality as a mean and nasty sex-crazed gay creature that took great pleasure in forcefully buggering poor Mark David Chapman’s clone form in the clone zone.
That’s what the Illuminati is REALLY all about, and that’s real transparency.

(photo: Salvador Dali, Type I Vril creature, partial corpse)
Two gentlemen NOT members of the Vril-killed black eye club are:

Getting back to the Donald’s Trump and Marshall, like Putin, as described in this post, Trump’s time and presence in the celebrity clone zone where Marshall interacted with him “was just playing the role for [Queen] Elizabeth and the others, distracting them away from his real agenda for the world: liberation from millennia of cabal rule over the human race.” Now aligned with mankind’s most significant whistleblower, Donald Marshall, the secret culture of human control hidden behind the false and fabricated constructs of religion, politics, philosophy, entertainment, education, science, history, medicine, etc., has been conquered. The Illuminati has been toppled, the constructs built entirely on lies are swiftly crumbling, and the honest truth of our reality is now being told.
Are you ready?
Our best advice for preparing for this onslaught of transparency is this, open your mind up to wonder and:

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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
Dating back to his first arrival at the western Canada celebrity cloning center at age five, Donald Marshall says Donald Trump was a regular visitor at the center in his clone form, and he was someone who Marshall did not particularly like at the time.
Marshall says he had many conversations with Trump over the years while his consciousness was involuntarily being zapped into the clone facility during his R.E.M. sleep cycle, and his issues with the current US president were two-fold. First, Trump was seemingly “down with the Illuminati,” down with the presence of Vril on the planet, and down with the massive cloning operation in general; he knew everything about everything and was willing to keep quiet about all of it. And second, apparently Trump ended up making several cool millions from patenting a product idea Marshall originally came up with, giving Marshall no credit and no share of the profits whatsoever.
There was another incident that occurred five or so years ago in the clone center that Marshall relays on his message board in an almost apologetic fashion. Apparently one evening in the zone Trump’s clone shot Marshall’s clone in the stomach with a handgun, Marshall said it was extremely painful. Two points need to be made here. 1) Clone forms are duplications of the original human form, and although they only take five or six months to form, they are replete with a central nervous system that experiences sensations exactly as the human would. 2) According to Marshall, clones tend to be somewhat dumb and slightly prone to malfunctioning, an allowance he seems to be giving the Trump clone.
Now, why am I telling you all of this?
Because it’s all about transparency now, folks. The truth. Now and forever. The veil of secrecy and darkness across this poor little world has finally lifted, and Trump isn’t afraid of the truth.
However, as Heisenberg cleverly pointed out in his most recent IDC post, not everyone is actually ready for the truth, whether they realize it or not. Heis says there’s some preparation work involved before folks will be able to survive the truth tsunami roaring toward us all. He says people will be fine only if they are able to suspend ALL strongly held beLIEfs in lieu of receiving new information in a state of wonder. As in, as Heis infers, let me just take this in and consider it as a possibility. Let’s practice this wondering thing with this tidbit Donald Marshall shares about one of the world’s most beloved icons, John Lennon, shall we? Here we go.
According to Marshall, John Lennon was NOT a nice man, NOT AT ALL. Lennon was a mean and nasty gay guy who tormented his eventual killer Mark David Chapman’s clone in the clone zone to the point of him offing Lennon IRL just to stop the constant unwelcomed buggering.

(photo: Yoko Ono, Andy Warhol, John Lennon)
Not what you really wanted to know about John Lennon, is it?
Sorry, but it’s all about transparency now.
John Lennon was a mean and nasty gay guy who continually foisted himself upon an unwilling and still-not-gay clone duplicate of Mark David Chapman because John Lennon had been Vril-killed a very long time ago. John made that deal with the devil. He traded his mortal ascension-potential humanness for fame and fortune. One day, John Lennon allowed a creepy little swamp rat sized Type I Vril creature to climb up onto his lap, grasp ahold of his face with its creepy little claws, and insert the creepy little obelisk shaped proboscis located on the top of its head into Lennon’s eye socket. There the Vril released what is loosely referred to as a “parasite,” which literally consisted of the Vril’s creepy little brain/consciousness attached to a length of the Vril’s disconnected spinal cord, which then proceeded to wrap itself around John Lennon’s optic nerve. The bug then secreted a foamy substance which, over the agonizing course of a few weeks, effectively replaced John Lennon’s naturally born human consciousness with it’s own creepy little brain/consciousness. And although the Vril bug had access to nearly all of its new “host” John Lennon’s memory bank, it maintained its own overriding Vril identity-personality as a mean and nasty sex-crazed gay creature that took great pleasure in forcefully buggering poor Mark David Chapman’s clone form in the clone zone.
That’s what the Illuminati is REALLY all about, and that’s real transparency.

(photo: Salvador Dali, Type I Vril creature, partial corpse)
Two gentlemen NOT members of the Vril-killed black eye club are:

Getting back to the Donald’s Trump and Marshall, like Putin, as described in this post, Trump’s time and presence in the celebrity clone zone where Marshall interacted with him “was just playing the role for [Queen] Elizabeth and the others, distracting them away from his real agenda for the world: liberation from millennia of cabal rule over the human race.” Now aligned with mankind’s most significant whistleblower, Donald Marshall, the secret culture of human control hidden behind the false and fabricated constructs of religion, politics, philosophy, entertainment, education, science, history, medicine, etc., has been conquered. The Illuminati has been toppled, the constructs built entirely on lies are swiftly crumbling, and the honest truth of our reality is now being told.
Are you ready?
Our best advice for preparing for this onslaught of transparency is this, open your mind up to wonder and:

Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
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- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure