Image courtesy of Destroying the Illusion . [9.14] Q Rally - IG FISA Report Done - 8chan - McCabe - Epstein - Antivaxxers/Big Pharma - U...
Image courtesy of Destroying the Illusion.
[9.14] Q Rally - IG FISA Report Done - 8chan - McCabe - Epstein - Antivaxxers/Big Pharma - UFO/Space
By Destroying the Illusion
Streamed live Sep 14, 2019
My Q Rally Tweet Thread:
8chan Testing Tweet:
Tom Fitton 9/11 Tweet:
Vaccine Victims Vigil:
Judge Denies Custody to Parents Who Stopped Chemo for 4-Year-Old With Leukemia:
[OpDis Editor Note: In this video, Jordan Sather talks about the Inspector General's FISA report being done, 8chan, McCabe, Epstein, anti-vaxxers, Big Pharma, UFO's, and space.]
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