Saturday, September 14, 2019 Whoa! Find Your Butts.... A Message for the White Hats Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz You ar...
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Whoa! Find Your Butts.... A Message for the White Hats

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
You are talking to the woman who first defined this evil as "Corporate Feudalism". To suppose that I don't know what we are "living under" is the height of stupidity.
Unlike a lot of my critics, I listened when Eisenhower warned us about the "Military Industrial Complex". I heard him. I was only a little bitty kid, almost a toddler, but I heard what our President said and I took notice. All my life, I have remembered Eisenhower standing there and telling us that.
Where were all the rest of you?
I know exactly how we got here, the patent system that controls it, and more importantly, I know how to correct it without firing a shot.
We can return this country to civilian government and enforce the peace we are owed, but right now, the greatest stumbling block to this happy conclusion are a bunch of old military honchos who don't want peace, who are in fact afraid of peace.
They see war as the source of their power, their expertise, their life's purpose.
So when I say, "Hey, fellas, you can come home now!" ---- that's not what they want to hear.
When I say, "If you just do your job and actual duty and help return this country to civilian government, all this can be done very peacefully and lawfully with nobody getting hurt." --- that isn't what they want, either.
That answer doesn't ring the "Ca-ching!" in their cash registers.
That answer doesn't leave them in control.
And they still want to be in control even though their incompetence has landed us in this Mess and even though they don't know how to get out of it, short of blowing the world up.
Much to the disappointment of the proponents of the Military Industrial Complex
this is a spiritual war first and foremost, and beyond that, an economic war staged as a cold mercenary war between foreign federal subcontractors.
May I add, it's a totally illegal mercenary war. A criminal and dishonorable and unnecessary "war" that is against international law and the Geneva Conventions.
I know how it was built, so I know how to take it apart.
There are two paths set before you --- a peaceful return to civilian government with abundance and freedom for everyone concerned, or, World War III and the total destruction of the planet.
I don't consider most "White Hats" to be White Hats. I consider most of them to be self-interested flunkies of the Military Industrial Complex intent on preserving the same old Military Protectorate that has existed in this country since 1863 and which has functioned with Bad Faith and self-interest to keep the civilian government from finding its feet and putting an end to the Gravy Train.
And that is what I really think about most of the vaunted "White Hats" who, to my knowledge, have done nothing but try to infiltrate and lurk around like a bunch of overgrown schoolboys sneaking a drag on a single cigarette.
When I call on the "White Hats" for help, you know what I get? People like Destry Payne, Citizen of Luxembourg, sneaking around spreading crap about me and causing trouble that doesn't need to exist.
If the White Hats want to help, if the White Hats want their country back, if the White Hats realize that their "government" isn't what is supposed to be running this country and that in fact, the military is supposed to be taking its orders from the civilian government --- not the other way around --- then for God's sake, find your butts with both hands.
Lawful assets can only belong to Lawful Persons. You can't qualify because by definition all Military Personnel are functioning as Legal Persons.
But if you get out of our way and put on your Thinking Caps instead of your jock straps, you will realize that we, the civilians, are the only ones who have the key and the right and the standing and the provenance to reclaim the actual assets of this country. Restoring the civilian government is the key and the difference between victory and defeat.
In two weeks the military government will default unless you fellows do your actual duty and assist us.
So you can sit there and rattle your sabers and watch the Debt Clock digits fall, or you can do the right thing. Support the civilian government this country is owed. Stop acting as predators upon the people you are hired to protect. And if you aren't going to do the right thing and return this country to civilian government, stop calling yourselves "White Hats".
Grey Hats with a lot of dingy stains and spots is more like it.
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Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
Whoa! Find Your Butts.... A Message for the White Hats
Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
You are talking to the woman who first defined this evil as "Corporate Feudalism". To suppose that I don't know what we are "living under" is the height of stupidity.
Unlike a lot of my critics, I listened when Eisenhower warned us about the "Military Industrial Complex". I heard him. I was only a little bitty kid, almost a toddler, but I heard what our President said and I took notice. All my life, I have remembered Eisenhower standing there and telling us that.
Where were all the rest of you?
I know exactly how we got here, the patent system that controls it, and more importantly, I know how to correct it without firing a shot.
We can return this country to civilian government and enforce the peace we are owed, but right now, the greatest stumbling block to this happy conclusion are a bunch of old military honchos who don't want peace, who are in fact afraid of peace.
They see war as the source of their power, their expertise, their life's purpose.
So when I say, "Hey, fellas, you can come home now!" ---- that's not what they want to hear.
When I say, "If you just do your job and actual duty and help return this country to civilian government, all this can be done very peacefully and lawfully with nobody getting hurt." --- that isn't what they want, either.
That answer doesn't ring the "Ca-ching!" in their cash registers.
That answer doesn't leave them in control.
And they still want to be in control even though their incompetence has landed us in this Mess and even though they don't know how to get out of it, short of blowing the world up.
Much to the disappointment of the proponents of the Military Industrial Complex
this is a spiritual war first and foremost, and beyond that, an economic war staged as a cold mercenary war between foreign federal subcontractors.
May I add, it's a totally illegal mercenary war. A criminal and dishonorable and unnecessary "war" that is against international law and the Geneva Conventions.
I know how it was built, so I know how to take it apart.
There are two paths set before you --- a peaceful return to civilian government with abundance and freedom for everyone concerned, or, World War III and the total destruction of the planet.
I don't consider most "White Hats" to be White Hats. I consider most of them to be self-interested flunkies of the Military Industrial Complex intent on preserving the same old Military Protectorate that has existed in this country since 1863 and which has functioned with Bad Faith and self-interest to keep the civilian government from finding its feet and putting an end to the Gravy Train.
And that is what I really think about most of the vaunted "White Hats" who, to my knowledge, have done nothing but try to infiltrate and lurk around like a bunch of overgrown schoolboys sneaking a drag on a single cigarette.
When I call on the "White Hats" for help, you know what I get? People like Destry Payne, Citizen of Luxembourg, sneaking around spreading crap about me and causing trouble that doesn't need to exist.
If the White Hats want to help, if the White Hats want their country back, if the White Hats realize that their "government" isn't what is supposed to be running this country and that in fact, the military is supposed to be taking its orders from the civilian government --- not the other way around --- then for God's sake, find your butts with both hands.
Lawful assets can only belong to Lawful Persons. You can't qualify because by definition all Military Personnel are functioning as Legal Persons.
But if you get out of our way and put on your Thinking Caps instead of your jock straps, you will realize that we, the civilians, are the only ones who have the key and the right and the standing and the provenance to reclaim the actual assets of this country. Restoring the civilian government is the key and the difference between victory and defeat.
In two weeks the military government will default unless you fellows do your actual duty and assist us.
So you can sit there and rattle your sabers and watch the Debt Clock digits fall, or you can do the right thing. Support the civilian government this country is owed. Stop acting as predators upon the people you are hired to protect. And if you aren't going to do the right thing and return this country to civilian government, stop calling yourselves "White Hats".
Grey Hats with a lot of dingy stains and spots is more like it.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
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If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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