Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter. The Economy Is Now In Position, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1933a Slam-Dunk Positioned, Expe...

Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter.
The Economy Is Now In Position, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1933a
Slam-Dunk Positioned, Expectations Are A Distraction From The Goal - Episode 1933b
By X22Report
Published on Aug 2, 2019
The BLS just reported that the economy continues to make gains, black employment is at record levels, manufacturing jobs are being added. The economic narrative is completely controlled by the patriots. Trump and Xi are negotiating a new trade deal. The entire economic plan is on schedule, we will be entering the next phase of the plan.
EC house was broken into. IG report on Comey will be released very soon, this is not the full IG report this is a piece of it focused on Comey. DOJ getting ready to give JW Ohr data. MSM is now trying to get ahead of the Epstein case, trying to explain the building on the island. JR withdrew his nomination, Trump is now ready to pick another. The Declass, OIG report and other investigations are right around the corner, as we approach that time frame the [DS] and MSM will be putting out stories to get ahead of what is coming, the [DS] will push the idea of an event and we will see FN being pushed out to the public, this will all fail, the truth will not be censored.
[OpDis Editor Note: X22 Report reviews current geopolitical and economical events as well as Q-related news, Trump, and the fall of the Deep State. X22 Report is another YouTube channel I recommend to listen if you want to be kept up-to-date on what's currently happening. In this episode, we hear about how the economic plan is entering the next phase. Meanwhile, the IG report on Comey will be released soon. DECLAS is right around the corner. Watch the videos for much more.]
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