Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 2 2019 Compiled 2 Aug. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW ret, Therapist, Author,...

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 2 2019
Compiled 2 Aug. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW ret, Therapist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces.”
Source: Dinar Chronicles
Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Special Thank You to those very dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unnamed, to Charles who has great understanding of the written word, Brad who does great research and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Trust The Plan, Judy.
Trust the Plan, Q:
Judy Note: At 12:30 am EST on Aug. 2 I received word that the green light had been turned on, it was a go and nothing could stop it. The release would happen within 48 hours, though no one knew exactly when.
The RV was launched and funds began dispersing to Paymasters on Mon. July 22. The 800#s would be published when the monies reached a certain percentage of release according to a very reliable source. No one knew the time or date, although this past week various Paymasters have reported being funded.
As per his sources MarkZ felt that 800#s were expected after banks closed Thurs. Aug. 1. Bruce was told the 800# would be out between Thurs. night Aug. 1 and mid morning Fri. Aug. 2. US banks reported they expected appointments by Sat. Aug. 3 at the latest. Reports from Europe where banks were closed due to a holiday, said it would be a go for them when banks reopened Mon. morning Aug. 5. It was rumored that the Tiers, SKRs, Whales and general public would all go at once.
A. Aug. 1 2019 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#
1. Bruce was told he would receive the 800# today around noon, though hasn’t yet.
2. The Forex would readjust rates and the 800#s would come out sometime between 8pm EST tonight until mid-morning tomorrow Fri. Aug. 2.
3. The Dinar and Rial both revalued at the same time internationally last night Wed. July 31 between 8-8:30 pm EST.
4. The new Iraqi Dinar and new Iranian Rial were around the same value.
5. Rates were higher than they were thought to be.
6. Tier 1 and 2 and Redemption Centers have the new USTN that they would exchange for the old US fiat dollars.
7. The old US dollars were going to be losing their value because they were no longer trading internationally.
8. The would have the 800# when Bruce was given it.
B. Aug. 1 2019 Evening Chat with MarkZ:
1. There were more confirmations of liquidity that came out of Europe Thurs. Aug. 1.
2. Mark’s Paymaster believed he would be liquid tonight Thurs. Aug. 1.
3. All monies should be in our pockets by Aug. 8.
4. Nflemingjr: still hearing that 800#s would be out tonight Thurs. Aug. 1.
5. Nflemingjr: It should happen no later than Mon. Aug. 5.
6. Tier 4a Paymasters were contacting people to make them liquid.
7. In Europe Bonds would be liquid on Tues. Aug. 6.
D. Aug. 1 2019 Morning Coffee with MarkZ:
1. Four sources in Europe (one in the UK, three in Zurich) said they were positioned to go when banks opened on Mon. Aug. 5.
2. There were unconfirmed reports that both Iraq and Iran announced their new rates yesterday Wed. July 31.
3. Paymasters expected the 800#s to be released late in the day today (after banks closed) Thurs. Aug. 1.
4. Mark expected his SKR to be funded today Thurs. Aug. 1.
5. We expected Prosperity Package delivery today Thurs. Aug. 1.
6. Redemption Center personnel were on High Alert.
7. cowboydownunder: They let Comey off the little hook yesterday think they want to hook him on a bigger hook so they can real him all the way in to treason.
8. Nflemingjr: The President of the Central Bank let HSBC know that they were done and ready to process Tier 4b. They were just waiting for the US Treasury.
9. Member: New drop from my Navy Intel contact: DECLAS shifted forward EST 24-48 hours. Watch solar activity. Planned MSM cycle disruption. Grid outage possible. See something say something.
10. Nflemingjr: There was a date for Tier 4b to start, which was on Tues. July 30 after the final audit of Tier 4a. It took about a day to reset. That put it to today Thurs. Aug. 1.
11. Nflemingjr: The Tier 4a Paymasters were contacting SKR Holders to get them liquid.
12. I heard the Dong Rate was anywhere from .42 to $2+
13. I have two people who have redeemed Petchelli Bonds and can see their funds but cannot access them until Monday Morning Aug. 5.
14. Mod: in case the Internet went down, there was a National Emergency Alert Test on all communications scheduled for Aug. 7.
15. Mark would have a special stream tonight Thurs. Aug. 1 at 8pm EST.
E. Aug. 1 2019 12:46 am EST Intel Alert: RV/Intelligence Alert: "Progress" -- August 1, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
1. The Alliance was in control of the Federal Reserve via Trump's pick, Judy Shelton.
2. Alliance sources warn of a possible Deep State Cabal false flag attempt to subvert imminent DECLAS.
3. The restoration of the Republic was progressing and expected to be completed by Sept.
4. Sources believed the RV began on July 22 and was progressing toward a private currency redemption phase.
5. If the RV completed within the 1st week of Aug, then the QFS (Quantum Financial System) could be implemented by the 2nd week of August.
6. Full disclosure would begin once the RV completed, QFS implemented, Republic restored and GESARA compliant reforms were passed.
F. Q Drops:
Q suggested that the questionable practices of the Red Cross were about to be put under the magnifying glass.
Q Drop #7271105: On Tues. Jul 30 2019 23:41 EST Q warned that for 24 hrs information would be dumped, while the Dems might try to clog the news cycle to change the narrative.
[24hr Warning]
Be vigilant.
See something.
Say something.
Know your surroundings at all times.
G. Brief History of the IRS, Federal Reserve and new US Taxpayer System:
The IRS was established by President Lincoln’s Revenue Act to fund the Civil War in 1862. Nine years later by 1871, a privately owned corporate government which evolved into the Federal Reserve in 1913, had taken over US Taxpayer dollars to funnel them to the British Crown, Vatican and Central Banks across the globe.
Ever since US taxpayers have had to borrow on their own monies in order to use them which, along with loss of the Gold Standard, Congressional overspending and printing money out of thin air, created the fiat US Dollar and National Debt.
That is, until the new US Treasury in Reno became effective three months after Trump took office at 6:30 pm EST Wed. March 30 2016. By July 3 2019 Congress had passed a new VAT Flat Tax code (expected to be 17% tax on new items purchased, no tax on earnings, food or medicine) and President Trump had signed an Executive Order, content unknown, covering tax laws until VAT became effective.
The end of the US fiscal year on Sat. Sept. 30 2019 would officially end the IRS and Federal Reserve fiat dollar system. On Jan. 1 2020 the VAT Flat Tax Code would be effective to fund the government – said to be so simple you could fill out your tax obligation on a postcard.
H. Proof That Birth Certificates Are Traded On NYSE Stock Exchange - YouTube:
I. Satanic International Child Trafficking Ring of the Global Elites:
“Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities” was the biography of a woman who as a child, was raped, tortured and forced to view a child sacrifice in Satanic rites overseen by a CIA operative of the CIA Mind Control program.
CIA Mind Control Programming came out of Nazi Germany and was designed to fracture a child’s thinking patterns into multiplicity – as was done to thousands of children born to Satanic parents who underwent such torture even today. All was part of a Cabal global and political elite international Pedophile Child Trafficking ring funded by the CIA using US Taxpayer monies and organized through the Vatican.
Catholic Church spent $10.6 million to lobby against legislation that would benefit victims of child sex abuse:
Govt Conveniently Deleted Entire Database of Evidence Documenting Pedophile Rings:
Sexual Predators Within America’s Power Elite:
Epstein Family Tree: connections to Mossad:
Worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network: Worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network Exposed
Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia: It Starts at the TOP, Just Like in the USA and UK
Obama, Clinton, Podesta, Soros, Epstein: Obama, Clinton, Podesta, Soros, Epstein, Alefantis — All Connected to Pedophilia Claims by 'Podesta Emails'
Banned Discovery Channel Documentary Exposes High US Officials Part of a Pedophile Ring: Highest US Government Officials are Part of Pedophilia Ring
Pedophilia Lawsuit: Slave Children Forced to Have Sex With 'Royalty, Politicians, Academicians' — Bill Clinton & Donald Trump Also Visited the Villa
70,000 Member Pedophile Ring: Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State
Sadistic Catholic priest receives an 18-year jail sentence:
J. WARNING on 800#s: When you call an 800# DO NOT give out the serial numbers of your currency or bonds, nor how much you had. The only thing the person or computer on the other end of the line would need to know was your zip code and what you had (Zim, Dinar, Dong, etc.) so you could be directed to a Redemption Center in your area.
K. Release of 800#s: Important information on how to exchange and redeem for participants worldwide would be on certain websites authorized to publish the 800#s so we could have a firm grip on our appointment strategy prior to going in. Make sure any 800# you received through phone, email or otherwise was also present on these websites:
Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ Calls:
MarkZ website:
MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:
L. Rumored Upcoming Events:
Thurs. Aug 1 2019: 800#s were expected after banks closed. Deadline to release the new Zimbabwe currency (not Zim Bonds). An announcement was expected of the new US Value-added Flat Tax Code (VAT).
Fri. Aug. 2 2019: The general public was expected to begin exchanges at the same time Tier 4b appointments were made, perhaps on Fri. Aug. 2.
Sat. Aug. 3 2019: Back Wall to begin exchange/redemption appointments.
Thurs. Aug. 8: Private exchanges completed for the Internet Group, although that date could have been extended to Aug. 15. Evidently Zim Bonds had until Sat. Aug. 17.
Sat. Aug. 10: Date that the World Court ordered the GCR to go public, although that date could have been Aug. 1, or extended to Aug. 15.
Thurs. Aug. 15 2019: The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) would complete implementation. Aug. 15 also happened to be the day 48 years ago (in 1971), that President Nixon pulled the US off the Gold Standard. Rumor was that all Zim note currency (not Zim Bonds) had to be destroyed by Aug. 15.
Sat. Aug. 17 2019 was set by Zimbabwe for the day that Zim currency (not Zim Bonds) would be worthless. Possible deadline for Zim Bond redemption.
Sun. Sept. 1 2019: Restoration of the Republic (for the United States of America) was expected to be completed, though not announced until Sun. Sept. 15.
Wed. Sept. 11 2019: All larger notes of revamping currencies due off the street. Market participants were betting on a huge, seismic shock to the financial system during Sept.
Sun. Sept. 15 2019: Possible deadline to announce the Restored Republic.
Sat. Sept. 30 2019: End of the fiscal year. For some time US Taxpayer monies had been sent to the US Treasury in Reno, though Sept. 30 officially ended the IRS.
Sept. through Oct. 2019: Military on High Alert.
Aug. through Dec. 2019 expect disclosures on and arrests of major figures.
Jan. 1 2020: VAT Flat Tax Code effective. On July 3 President Trump signed an Executive Order, content unknown, covering tax laws until Jan. 1 2020. Reset of a second Basket of foreign currencies.
M. Research the REAL NEWS:
President Trump’s Tweets:
President Trump’s Email:
Q News:
George’s (JF Kennedy Jr.?) Email: George@The Collective
George’s (JF Kennedy Jr.?) Tweet:
EyeTheSpy Tweet:
George Papadoupolus Email: Follow@GeorgePapa19
Updates for the Week Prior:
Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of Aug. 1, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 1, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 31, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 31, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 30, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 30, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 29, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 29, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 28, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 28, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 27, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 27, 2019
High Alert Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 26, 2019
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