CEO Claims Jewish AG Barr Set to Break Open Biggest Scandal in US AUGUST 14, 2019 Source: Covert Geopolitics [OpDis Editor Note: This ...
CEO Claims Jewish AG Barr Set to Break Open Biggest Scandal in US
AUGUST 14, 2019
Source: Covert Geopolitics
[OpDis Editor Note: This is a warnings-shot for the Deep State and a lot more is coming but do the research on motives and truth of stories. It’s a common tactic employed by the Deep State to cause a lot of confusion by spreading a lot of fake news as disinformation and also spread information that polarizes people.]

“Barr’s father was born Jewish, and later converted to Catholicism. His mother is of Irish ancestry. Barr was raised Catholic.[4][5]” says mainstream Wikipedia. But the Overstock CEO still wants to tell us that AG William Barr is set to break open the biggest political scandal in the history of America. Is it really possible in the Land of Milk and Honey for the Israel Lobby?
Byrne joined Fox Business host David Asman this week to discuss, among other things, his involvement in the so-called “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative which turned out to be a massive hoax, just like POTUS Donald Trump long claimed it was.
Specifically, Byrne was asked by Asman about the latter’s involvement with Russian intelligence agent Maria Butina.
In case you wondered, Butina is an alleged Russian spy and — get this — gun rights activist who recently pleaded guilty to conspiracy in a deal with the Justice Department by agreeing to help with ongoing probes. She has also been romantically linked to GOP operative Paul Erikson, who’s also been notified he’s the target of a federal investigation himself, the Washington Examiner reported.
As for Byrne, he essentially fired off a warning shot to the Deep State that AG Barr is about to drop the hammer on the Spygate probe.
‘You haven’t seen anything yet’
“I ended up in the center of the Russian and the Clinton investigations. I have all the answers. I have been sitting on them waiting for America to get there. Last summer I figured out… what they all are is all about political espionage,” he told Asman.
“It had nothing to do with law enforcement, it was all political espionage. Here’s the bottom line. There is a Deep State like a submarine working just beneath the waves of the periscope depth watching our shipping lane. And a nuclear ice breaker called the USS Bill Barr has snuck up on them and is about to ram midship,” he continued.
“That’s about to happen and I think we’re about to see the biggest scandal in American history as a result. But it was all political. Everything you think you know about Russia and Clinton investigations is a lie. It’s all a cover-up. It was all political espionage,” he said.
Asman responded, “You think Bill Barr is going to get to the bottom of it?” (Related: ‘Bull’ Durham: New Russiagate prober has been haunting the FBI for months.)
“I think he has gotten to the bottom of it,” Byrne said.
Should Byrne know? Perhaps. As ace investigative reporter Sara A. Carter noted in late July, while he and Butina were involved, Bryne was reporting to the FBI:
…Byrne recounted first meeting Butina at Freedom Fest in 2015. He described the relationship that developed between the two and revealed that he had initiated contact in July, 2015 with the FBI after his first meeting with Butina. He also disclosed that he met twice with Justice Department attorneys in April, 2019 giving a total of seven hours of interviews on the separate occasions. A source directly familiar with the interviews confirmed those meetings took place.
In short, Byrne was working with the FBI and had been for a number of years — a fact he admitted to Butina’s lawyer, Robert Driscoll.
If what we think we know about the FBI’s probe into the 2016 Trump campaign is bad, Byrne told Carter to “make sure you are sitting down because it’s about to get worse.”
We have a lot of good reasons not to expect anything substantial coming from the Deep State populated US administration. Will we be proven wrong after so many claims of “mass arrests” in the past that didn’t happen as advertised?
As a side note, it was AG Barr’s father who hired Epstein into Dalton School even without a college degree, and then that same law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, that father Barr was working in 2009, later represented Epstein’s interest in all the court cases that the latter has to deal with, including the child trafficking case that Trump’s own Labor Secretary Acosta made a mockery of by striking a deal which only gave a sentence of 13 months incarceration, with Epstein spending a bulk of that time on work release, or in the jail’s private wing.
Almost 3 years in office, and all we hear most of the time is “China, Iran, China, Iran, China, Iran…” from the White House.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
AUGUST 14, 2019
Source: Covert Geopolitics
[OpDis Editor Note: This is a warnings-shot for the Deep State and a lot more is coming but do the research on motives and truth of stories. It’s a common tactic employed by the Deep State to cause a lot of confusion by spreading a lot of fake news as disinformation and also spread information that polarizes people.]

“Barr’s father was born Jewish, and later converted to Catholicism. His mother is of Irish ancestry. Barr was raised Catholic.[4][5]” says mainstream Wikipedia. But the Overstock CEO still wants to tell us that AG William Barr is set to break open the biggest political scandal in the history of America. Is it really possible in the Land of Milk and Honey for the Israel Lobby?
Byrne joined Fox Business host David Asman this week to discuss, among other things, his involvement in the so-called “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative which turned out to be a massive hoax, just like POTUS Donald Trump long claimed it was.
Specifically, Byrne was asked by Asman about the latter’s involvement with Russian intelligence agent Maria Butina.
In case you wondered, Butina is an alleged Russian spy and — get this — gun rights activist who recently pleaded guilty to conspiracy in a deal with the Justice Department by agreeing to help with ongoing probes. She has also been romantically linked to GOP operative Paul Erikson, who’s also been notified he’s the target of a federal investigation himself, the Washington Examiner reported.
As for Byrne, he essentially fired off a warning shot to the Deep State that AG Barr is about to drop the hammer on the Spygate probe.
‘You haven’t seen anything yet’
“I ended up in the center of the Russian and the Clinton investigations. I have all the answers. I have been sitting on them waiting for America to get there. Last summer I figured out… what they all are is all about political espionage,” he told Asman.
“It had nothing to do with law enforcement, it was all political espionage. Here’s the bottom line. There is a Deep State like a submarine working just beneath the waves of the periscope depth watching our shipping lane. And a nuclear ice breaker called the USS Bill Barr has snuck up on them and is about to ram midship,” he continued.
“That’s about to happen and I think we’re about to see the biggest scandal in American history as a result. But it was all political. Everything you think you know about Russia and Clinton investigations is a lie. It’s all a cover-up. It was all political espionage,” he said.
Asman responded, “You think Bill Barr is going to get to the bottom of it?” (Related: ‘Bull’ Durham: New Russiagate prober has been haunting the FBI for months.)
“I think he has gotten to the bottom of it,” Byrne said.
Should Byrne know? Perhaps. As ace investigative reporter Sara A. Carter noted in late July, while he and Butina were involved, Bryne was reporting to the FBI:
…Byrne recounted first meeting Butina at Freedom Fest in 2015. He described the relationship that developed between the two and revealed that he had initiated contact in July, 2015 with the FBI after his first meeting with Butina. He also disclosed that he met twice with Justice Department attorneys in April, 2019 giving a total of seven hours of interviews on the separate occasions. A source directly familiar with the interviews confirmed those meetings took place.
In short, Byrne was working with the FBI and had been for a number of years — a fact he admitted to Butina’s lawyer, Robert Driscoll.
If what we think we know about the FBI’s probe into the 2016 Trump campaign is bad, Byrne told Carter to “make sure you are sitting down because it’s about to get worse.”
We have a lot of good reasons not to expect anything substantial coming from the Deep State populated US administration. Will we be proven wrong after so many claims of “mass arrests” in the past that didn’t happen as advertised?
As a side note, it was AG Barr’s father who hired Epstein into Dalton School even without a college degree, and then that same law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, that father Barr was working in 2009, later represented Epstein’s interest in all the court cases that the latter has to deal with, including the child trafficking case that Trump’s own Labor Secretary Acosta made a mockery of by striking a deal which only gave a sentence of 13 months incarceration, with Epstein spending a bulk of that time on work release, or in the jail’s private wing.
Almost 3 years in office, and all we hear most of the time is “China, Iran, China, Iran, China, Iran…” from the White House.
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If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
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If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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