'Special Announcement' from The White Hats (Video & Text) ***HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!*** To our American Patriots all over th...

'Special Announcement' from The White Hats (Video & Text)
To our American Patriots all over the world, we wish you all a happy 4th of July. This is the day our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence and laid the groundwork for the Republic we now call home. The 243 years since the signing of this document have been both celebratory and tumultuous but our Constitution has withstood the test of time despite being attacked by the dark forces trying to run the world.
We, the white hats, have endeavored to bring light to the darkness of corruption, blackmail, fraud, murder and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the cabal. Their attempts to destroy this great country and finish the enslavement of all humanity have ramped up since the election of 2016. Their plans have been interrupted and are now out in the open for all to see.
Exposure of their dark deeds and manipulation of the masses has always been our objective. Like thieves in the night, they continue their onslaught on the world for total domination, staying in the shadows and using blackmail, bribery and murder to accomplish their goals. Puppet masters who shun the spotlight and publicity, they scheme and toil in the background using our elected officials to handle the dirty work and cover ups.
A storm is coming.
Our loyal readers that have followed us from the beginning are aware we hold information and documents that will expose the group we refer to as the CABAL, aka the Shadow Government of the United States or as has been recently named, the DEEP STATE. Bankers, politicians, corporate leaders and bloodline families who have the same aspirations of Genghis Khan, Alexander the “Great”, Julius Caesar and Adolph Hitler. Some of these names are familiar to all……we will expose the current group of aspiring lunatics who think they have some divine right to rule over the sovereign citizens of the planet.
Yes, White Hats Report#48 is COMING.
We have decided to release it in video format on our YouTube channel, Paladin WH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl2mXKObC3Y8QEbBOzHo_Aw. (Hit the subscribe link to get notifications.)
The information contained in the upcoming report will cover over 100 years and will require the viewer to do additional research with citations and references provided. Due to the immense information and documentation it takes to tell this story, we will have multiple releases over the next 45-60 days. Bear with us, this is a massive undertaking and to get it right and make it understandable, we’ll need to be both thorough in our presentation and diligent in our documentation.
Watch it, read it, digest it and then contemplate your future and how you can positively affect it. The cavalry is NOT coming. Its up to ALL of us to unite and preserve the Republic, lest it fall to the satanic forces we are about to expose. The fate of your children, grandchildren and future generations hang in the balance.
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A Video Announcement on White Hats Report #48
Paladin WH
Published on Jul 4, 2019
Happy Independence Day!
The long awaited exposure of the origins and progression of the Cabal, aka Shadow Government aka Deep State is coming! Watch this channel for the multiple part series in the next 45-60 days.
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