Reader Post | June Ann Taking Care of You and Yours Aerosol Chemtrail Spraying: You may have noticed that the skies don’t look like...
Reader Post | June Ann
Taking Care of You and Yours
Aerosol Chemtrail Spraying:
You may have noticed that the skies don’t look like they used to anymore. Often our skies are now filled with crisscrossed lines that sit there for a long time and eventually turn into long clouds, making the sky grey and blotting out the sun for hours. So it's important to get “real” Vitamin D at this link Supergreens Vitamin D+
Geoengineering is the planetary-scale environmental engineering of the atmosphere, the weather, the oceans and the Earth itself. Chemtrails are the trails left in the sky by planes after the deliberate aerosol spraying of various metals (including aluminum, barium and strontium), fungi and other pathogens. For the home, an air purifier is essential especially at night while sleeping for a break and time for healing. Hint* Ionizing can be done with a black light too.
However, rather conveniently, at the same time geoengineering programs were being conducted, biotech giant Bayer/Monsanto took out a patent for aluminum-resistant crops and is now making a fortune peddling its GM seeds. Make sure you're buying from a reputable source.
Since we all breathe the air, it is difficult to avoid the fallout from aerosol spraying, but you can try ChemBuster (a homeo-herbal supplement specifically designed and formulated to combat chemtrails), zeolite, an all-round great defense against heavy metals and pathogens.
Cell Towers, Wi-Fi and Cell Phones:
Radiation which is emitted from cell towers, cell phones, wireless devices, wi-fi, smart meters and other wireless sources is classed as non-ionizing radiation. Although it may be invisible and therefore seem harmless, it is classified by the WHO (World Health Organization) as a class 2 carcinogen.
Intense and long-term exposure (e.g. for heavy cell phone users) has been shown to result in malignant tumors and brain cancer. Even short-term exposure still has negative effects; a 2 minute call on a cell phone changes the brainwave patterns of an average adult for 1 hour after call.
The net result of the existence of all of these radiation-emitting devices is that we live in an EM (electromagnetic) soup, and are being constantly bombarded with radiation. Ways to help reduce/eliminate EMF are to switch to a land line, call your internet provider to make sure you're not being a 5G user. One can use 2.5 and be just as good or cutoff the wifi altogether and use the Ethernet wire hook up.
Some herbs such as Cilantro aid in the detoxing of radiation as well, but, much is needed to eliminate radiation. Again, for radiation detoxing zeolites are one easy way to go.
The amount of heavy metals in the body serve as “antenna” that responds to the radiation and parasites often hide themselves behing metals. Get the stuff out of the body! A regimen of 4 drops of liquid Zeolite in a beverage in the morning and the same at night will protect from the abundance of chemtrails metals, nano particles, and radiation that we have accumulated.
Good Health To Us All
June Ann
Guest Posting
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
Taking Care of You and Yours
Aerosol Chemtrail Spraying:
You may have noticed that the skies don’t look like they used to anymore. Often our skies are now filled with crisscrossed lines that sit there for a long time and eventually turn into long clouds, making the sky grey and blotting out the sun for hours. So it's important to get “real” Vitamin D at this link Supergreens Vitamin D+
Geoengineering is the planetary-scale environmental engineering of the atmosphere, the weather, the oceans and the Earth itself. Chemtrails are the trails left in the sky by planes after the deliberate aerosol spraying of various metals (including aluminum, barium and strontium), fungi and other pathogens. For the home, an air purifier is essential especially at night while sleeping for a break and time for healing. Hint* Ionizing can be done with a black light too.
However, rather conveniently, at the same time geoengineering programs were being conducted, biotech giant Bayer/Monsanto took out a patent for aluminum-resistant crops and is now making a fortune peddling its GM seeds. Make sure you're buying from a reputable source.
Since we all breathe the air, it is difficult to avoid the fallout from aerosol spraying, but you can try ChemBuster (a homeo-herbal supplement specifically designed and formulated to combat chemtrails), zeolite, an all-round great defense against heavy metals and pathogens.
Cell Towers, Wi-Fi and Cell Phones:
Radiation which is emitted from cell towers, cell phones, wireless devices, wi-fi, smart meters and other wireless sources is classed as non-ionizing radiation. Although it may be invisible and therefore seem harmless, it is classified by the WHO (World Health Organization) as a class 2 carcinogen.
Intense and long-term exposure (e.g. for heavy cell phone users) has been shown to result in malignant tumors and brain cancer. Even short-term exposure still has negative effects; a 2 minute call on a cell phone changes the brainwave patterns of an average adult for 1 hour after call.
The net result of the existence of all of these radiation-emitting devices is that we live in an EM (electromagnetic) soup, and are being constantly bombarded with radiation. Ways to help reduce/eliminate EMF are to switch to a land line, call your internet provider to make sure you're not being a 5G user. One can use 2.5 and be just as good or cutoff the wifi altogether and use the Ethernet wire hook up.
Some herbs such as Cilantro aid in the detoxing of radiation as well, but, much is needed to eliminate radiation. Again, for radiation detoxing zeolites are one easy way to go.
The amount of heavy metals in the body serve as “antenna” that responds to the radiation and parasites often hide themselves behing metals. Get the stuff out of the body! A regimen of 4 drops of liquid Zeolite in a beverage in the morning and the same at night will protect from the abundance of chemtrails metals, nano particles, and radiation that we have accumulated.
Good Health To Us All
June Ann
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
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If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure