Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter. Economic Messages Deciphered, Their Plan Stopped, New Economy Readied - Episode 1903a It’s T...

Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter.
Economic Messages Deciphered, Their Plan Stopped, New Economy Readied - Episode 1903a
It’s Time, Placeholders, Future Comms Set, [On The Ready], For Our Country - Episode 1903b
By X22Report
Published on Jun 28, 2019
Ford is getting ready to cut 12000 jobs in Europe by the end of 2020. The regulations are hurting auto manufactures. Pending homes sales tick up, which means the rate freeze is helping, once the rate cut is initiated and stimulus is reintroduced the [CB] economy will stabilize. Trump has been tweeting out the economic plan, letting the people know what the [DS] was planning and where we are headed.
The [DS] is pushing free health insurance for all migrants, they just showed their hand. The Mueller testimony is a propaganda stunt and is planned to keep the real questions away from Mueller. Trump's attorney uncovers more evidence on Clapper. The Supreme Court has blocked the citizen question from the census. AOC stages photos on the border. Bill was passed to help the border situation. Big Tech continues to censor individuals. Q is back and posted additional posts, be on the ready, for the country.
[OpDis Editor Note: X22 Report reviews current geopolitical and economical events as well as Q-related news, Trump, and the fall of the Deep State. X22 Report is another YouTube channel I recommend to listen if you want to be kept up-to-date on what's currently happening. In this episode, we hear about regulations beginning to hurt manufacturing companies. Also, Trump has been tweeting about the economic plan. Meanwhile, the Deep State is now pushing free health insurance for immigrants. Robert Mueller to testify and Q is back.]
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