Reader Post | Anonymous One in 55 children are born/ or acquire Autism in the US. That's worse than the Aids crisis in the 80'S...
Reader Post | Anonymous
One in 55 children are born/ or acquire Autism in the US. That's worse than the Aids crisis in the 80'S. Yet no one is banging the drum. The measles outbreak is " NOTHING COMPARED TO THIS "!!! And yes some vaccines were overloaded with a stabilizer, to make it last ( shelf life ). It was mercury in some cases, 5500% ( this is the figure I remember, some less, some maybe more ) beyond the safe limits. Don't believe Big Pharma , they are the ones manufacturing it. If you want a bigger picture, read this : Time for this old world & it's System is very short. Matthew 24/ Mark 13 / Like 21 chapters. This is where we are, 2 Tim. 3: 1-5, 13-17. I trust these words, the boys be has never lied to me, or poisoned people, especially children.
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One in 55 children are born/ or acquire Autism in the US. That's worse than the Aids crisis in the 80'S. Yet no one is banging the drum. The measles outbreak is " NOTHING COMPARED TO THIS "!!! And yes some vaccines were overloaded with a stabilizer, to make it last ( shelf life ). It was mercury in some cases, 5500% ( this is the figure I remember, some less, some maybe more ) beyond the safe limits. Don't believe Big Pharma , they are the ones manufacturing it. If you want a bigger picture, read this : Time for this old world & it's System is very short. Matthew 24/ Mark 13 / Like 21 chapters. This is where we are, 2 Tim. 3: 1-5, 13-17. I trust these words, the boys be has never lied to me, or poisoned people, especially children.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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