Image courtesy of SpaceShot76 . “Treason Doesn’t pay well in the End” By SpaceShot76 Published on May 13, 2019
Image courtesy of SpaceShot76.
“Treason Doesn’t pay well in the End”
By SpaceShot76
Published on May 13, 2019
Well the loony lefties are at it again and their next topic is a sex strike, they want Boys not men to get vasectomies, this is truely a changing of our historical norms, they want the family setup destroyed and they do not care about me or you period, next we have Q drops again foreshadowing the downfall of James Comey, fingers crossed will be this week, and then the FISA Declas to follow, then followed by the inspector generals report, at the end I give good examples as to how YouTube is destroying the conservative word here on YouTube. Sickening.
[OpDis Editor Note: SpaceShot76 is another good reviewer of Q drops and Q-related news. In this video, we hear about the recent Q drops foreshadowing the downfall of James Comey after the IG report releases. FISA DECLAS will be next. Also, some news about YouTube's on-going censorship.]
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