The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland ECETI.ORG ECETI News May 11 2019 Ascension Wave, Pitfalls to Avoid We are in the middl...
The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland
May 11 2019
Ascension Wave, Pitfalls to Avoid
We are in the middle of another major ascension wave. It is coming from the Central Sun telegraphed through the other Suns throughout the Galaxy. Those more sensitive will feel in on the 9th, it peaks on the 11 then a few days afterward it will be vibrationally lifting Humanity and the Earth. These waves are continuous, increasing exponentially and affect people according to their consciousness and Self-Mastery. Even the lightworkers will be challenged to face aspects of themselves, old wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience. No one is immune. It is time to get back to basics. I have found that many who claim to be enlightened or leaders have forgotten the mirror effect. What see I am I. In these times many will succumb to spiritual ego, or their own unfinished business. It will be like an accelerated boomerang. Within the Spiritual and UFO community there has been a lot of gossip, competition, power struggles. We have to ask ourselves how does this fit into enlightenment, leadership or personal responsibility? Who’s ignorance and character is being established? The old one finger pointing at others while three pointing back still applies. Many masters of the past have given us rules to apply to live in harmony. Gossip is a big one today, self-righteousness is another trap that many people are finding themselves in, tying themselves to other’s wagons. Forgiveness frees everyone. Not forgiving and seeking revenge holds both parties down. Judgement is judgement and we are here for soul evolution and to master judgement. There is a difference between judgement and discernment. Discernment has no charge and comes with self-reflection.

Photo of Kwan Yin taken at ECETI Ranch by Peter Maxwell Slattery on the 8th of May 2019. For more on Pete or to book a reading go to
It is said by great thinkers in the past concerning gossip we need to apply basic rules. 1. Do you have first hand experience. 2. How do you know this to be true. 3. Is it beneficial. 4. Has this information triggered unresolved issues within self-distorting the ability to use discernment. We all have societal programming, wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experience influencing and altering our view. How attached you are to that view is directly proportionate to the wounds, traumas and programming. Fear of undesirable events reoccurring again creates the same outcome by projection. Even if the projection has no basis in reality. One has to forgive the other has to not participate in the projection. If one is made aware of the projection and they continue to project love of self and tough love sometimes creates distance.
James Birthday present from the Pleiadians - Huge Power Up
It is said there are three kinds of business, your business, other people’s business and Gods business. Other people’s business is God’s business. We do not have the oversite to know what another soul needs for completion. We do not know what is being worked out or healed.
“During this shift is it best to get on with one’s own business, we don’t have the luxury of scattering our energies into everyone else’s business.”

Photo taken by Master Kan of Mother Mary at ECETI
I have seen people I have admired get caught up in false gossip creating a veritable shit storm amplified by other unseen negative influences when all they had to do is use the above basics with a little brutal honesty on what in their past pulled them into the storm. Many times, it only takes one person to ask how do you know this is true, how is this beneficial? We can be victims, Gods or Goddesses depending on the degree of personal responsibility. Personal responsibility, forgiveness, and mastering judgement will pull you up out of the muck and mire of social consciousness. Doing the opposite will pull you down in the other direction.
UFOs 3rd to 5th of May 2019 ECETI Ranch
The same rules for contact apply to connecting to Masters, Saints and Sages of the past or connecting with spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors. It takes an open mind, loving heart, pure intentions. Service to others and mastering fear are also important. We all fear the unknown yet making the unknown known releases the fear. It also empowers the individual to learn how to clear unseen negative entities. Just because you are dead does not mean you are enlightened and just because you are an ET does not mean you are benevolent.

Energy on Lemurian Hill at Eceti: Photo by Cathy Cathy Leidall.
It is also wise to discern by their fruits just what kind of entity leaders are working with. There are faker spirit that often pose as known Masters. If one is taking a leadership role it is wise to be clear on where their guidance is coming from. The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you connect. It is also wise to know the dark side has what I call evil genius, it knows how to sidetrack and derail your soul evolution. Even if it means moving through love ones and those closest to you. They are masters at distraction, deception, and diversion. How do you know your thoughts are your own, how do those closest to you know they are not being manipulated? We are in the midst of a multidimensional clean up on isle 7 and things are getting chaotic. No matter what the influence if we use the basics, Universal Law which simplified is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all as a foundation we will get through these times.
We cannot put our trust in external sources and the goal of any true leader is to empower the individual to have their own personal experience whether it is with God/Creator/Great Spirit, Ascended Masters or Spiritually and Technologically advanced Off Worlders.

Photo taken by Master Kan of Kwan Yin at ECETI
“Funny how many politicians are taking the new genius pill doubling their IQ, memory etc. Too bad they don’t have an integrity pill or spiritual pill to go along with it. Of course that would interfere with any narcistic self-serving goals.”
The last thing we want to cover is there are those in leadership positions in the spiritual community and ufology that have missed one or all three of these prerequisites. Their come from is out of alignment with their goals. If you are in it for the money, notoriety or self-serving you will fail or be extremely limited in access to higher knowledge. There are many accusations flying around by people who have failed to meet the requirements and are jealous of others that have. If spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors and Ascended Masters are appearing on a regular basis rather than condemn someone we should ask ourselves, how can I have that experience. There are a lot of claims with no evidence, CGI and hoaxs yet if someone constantly comes up with verified and documented reoccurring evidence it seems they must be doing something right. Unfortunately, it is a threat to those who are doing something wrong. Rather than rise to the occasion many seek to take down those truly gifted in an egotistical one up-man-ship trying to rise on the backs of those who are proven and real.

Flying Saucer image taken by Peter Maxwell Slattery
We don’t have to be perfect, we all make mistakes, yet the core desire must be in alignment with higher consciousness. Clearing unseen negative influences also needs to be a daily if not hourly practice concerning todays times. Not having the proper basics down often leads people down a very dark path. Self-serving Ego devolves to spiritual ego, then narcissism followed by possession cording others along the way. Unfortunately, the desire for fame, money and power have lead many down that path. There are shills, government sponsored planned opposition, massive egos, the wounded and those lacking in the basics at the highest levels of the Spiritual, UFO and even religious communities. Almost all institutions have been corrupted at the top yet we wait for the top to tell us how to live. We have to always in humility go back to the basics and yes hold our leadership to the very same basics. Rather than blame others for our own failures, gain the wisdom from the experience and get back to basics. I personally have to make a daily practice of loving detachment even with those closest to me. Step back into unconditional love and get on with my own soul purpose. In India they say the closer you get to Nirvana the more the demons rear their ugly heads. You will be tested along the way to enlightenment. During these tests always go back to basics. Do I have an open mind, loving heart, pure intentions? Am I being pulled into the dramas of others? Is this beneficial? What does it feel like, what is my heart telling me? We all have to pull together to get through these times and some of us need reminding from time to time. In each case it is getting back to basics.
Be well,
James Gilliland
Eceti Stargate YouTube
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