Image courtesy of Destroying the Illusion . [4.30] Vaccines and EPIDEMICS / NOTCH / "Government UFO Programs" / Normalizing Ge...
Image courtesy of Destroying the Illusion.
[4.30] Vaccines and EPIDEMICS / NOTCH / "Government UFO Programs" / Normalizing Geoengineering
By Destroying the Illusion
Published on Apr 30, 2019
Guantanamo Bay prison commander fired:
Political economy suggests that geoengineering is likely to be used:
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'Brady Bunch' star slams anti-vaxxers for using measles episode to promote their claims:
Merck raises full-year forecasts as vaccines power profit beat:
EXCLUSIVE: I-Team confirms Pentagon did release UFO videos:
What Is Up With Those Pentagon UFO Videos?:
[OpDis Editor Note: Jordan Sather has a reputation at decoding Q drops with a realistic perspective. He's also very informed in exopolitics and health-related news. In this video, Jordan goes over Vaccines, government UFO programs, and the normalization of geoengineering.]
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