Friday, May 31, 2019 "Tax Processing Centers" --- Public Warning Notice --- Demand for Action Source: Paul Stramer | By Ann...
Friday, May 31, 2019
"Tax Processing Centers" --- Public Warning Notice --- Demand for Action

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
The latest in a long line of Tax Frauds committed by the US Territorial and Municipal US "Government" corporations is on the way.
I am referring to the advent of "Tax Processing Centers" --- these bogus private operations are springing up all over the country and forewarned is forearmed.
What appears in your mail is one of those particularly irritating letters that are glued together around the edges and that you have to deconstruct very carefully to avoid tearing.
These missives are addressed to Municipal Public Transmitting Utilities --- names that appear in ALL CAPS --- and use what appear-to-be Middle Initials, but without a period to designate it as such. Observe the form of the NAME: JOHN M DOE. The names being used now are also devoid of hyphens or other punctuation: LINDA A SMYTHE ANDERSON, instead of Linda A. Smythe-Anderson.
Their first dodge will be to announce that a "Federal" Tax Lien has been established on your property, usually at some time in the past. This will be big news to you and you will, of course, be frightened. When you run down to the Recording District you will find that yes, indeed, a mammoth Tax Lien has been filed against your property. And I do mean a Big tax lien --- often ten times the value of the property, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of "tax lien" that just appears out of the blue sky.
This is because the STATE OF COLORADO, for example, is being bankrupted as a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the UNITED STATES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. Instead of paying their taxes all these years, they have claimed exemption as a government entity, only to have it discovered that they were operating as commercial corporations and therefore not eligible for exemption.
Oh, my. So, their tax debts are being passed in domino fashion to their "presumed" Secondary Co-Signers --- JOHN M DOE and LINDA A SMYTHE ANDERSON.
None of this has anything to do with any American State National or American State Citizen, but we are being dunned just the same.
Your options are: (A) join the party and file for bankruptcy protection along with the rest of the rats, submit yourself to the tender mercies of the bankruptcy court, have the black mark of bankruptcy against your name, and hope to survive with your home, $8000 worth of personal assets, and one car per family; or (B) get on your broomstick and beat the politicians and the Queen and the Pope responsible for this situation with your pens and your law suits and your commercial claims until they decide that, perhaps, this isn't the way to do business after all. Scream bloody murder and share the news with everyone you know, or (C) do what we have been telling you to do all along, and after you have joined your State Assembly, see your State Coordinator about National Credit Redemption.
In order to make their scheme "legal" they had to provide for remedy and we have found it. The bad news is that the system supporting the effort is so old, unkempt, secretive, and rickety that moths fly out of the record books and everything concerned with redeeming the credit we are owed is painfully slow. Think: sloths on vacation, even though, to be fair, the IRS workers in charge are slaving away and doing their best.
It is a priority assignment for everyone reading this to send letters to everyone they can think of involved in the Government Corporations --- "US" Senators, Congressmen, President Trump, the US Attorney General, the UN General Secretary, the Queen, the Pope, and everyone in between --- demanding a modern National Credit Redemption Program and a special Credit Card to be issued to qualified American State Nationals --- the only Parties to whom such Redemption is officially owed. This Card is to be used to pay off mortgages, tax debts, medical bills, college loans, auto loans, and utility bills.
Once issued, the Cards can be used by the State Coordinators and others to pay off these debts for friends, neighbors, and others in our communities who are in need regardless of their political status. It's our Credit. Until the whole system is updated into the modern age, we are stuck using rubber stamps and registered mail and daily firefights with confused IRS Agents who know nothing --- absolutely nothing --- about the National Credit.
Those of us who have teeth are taking a bite out of the backsides of the perpetrators and demanding action and broad spectrum correction and are holding back our own claims to protect seniors and others who are losing their homes as a result of this impersonation fraud and the slower-than-molasses-in January response curve. Those in urgent need, need to come first. Those who aren't being billed yet need to stand down and hang on and tough it out until we prevail upon the perpetrators to modernize delivery and release the National Credit.
And everyone needs to "Bang a Gong" --- loudly enough that they can hear it in Whitehall and Saint Peters.
The next scam is a "Warrant of Distraint".
Now a "Distraint Warrant" (as opposed to a "Warrant of Distraint") is a peculiar warrant used in the United Kingdom for the collection of tax debts.
Are we in the United Kingdom?
No, didn't think so. And the rats in Whitehall who think we are in the United Kingdom need a fire lit under their tails to inform them that our generosity does not extend to "gifting" them with our continent and our National Credit.
What these scam artist Tax Processing Centers are sending out is a "Warrant of Distraint" --- a bogus "simulation of legal process" that so far as I know exists only in Montana and is enforceable only with respect to "County of ________" organizations.
Along with this completely horse-hockey Notice they announce their intention to levy your bank accounts and cause other trouble until the above referenced tax liens are paid in full. Oh, lovely. We have scam artists making up bogus tax liens and then going around to ignorant local banks and levying bank accounts based on this manure.
Everyone have your pitchforks and bonfires ready? See why the perpetrators needed 25,000 one gallon canisters of cyanide and 30,000 guillotines to kill their Priority Creditors? American Military, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mr. Trump..... UN Secretary General, Pope Francis, Lizzy?
If you don't want to be identified as the criminals in this story, you'd better get busy and release the $950 trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" Prince Philip collected in Canada ---- most of which belongs to us, and you also need to start paying out the National Credit.
If you look at the Return Address for these "Tax Processing Centers" you will see that: (1) there isn't a real Return Address. All it says is "Tax Processing Center" and then the name of your town and state. The only contact is a telephone number, and if you call it, a scam artist will be waiting on the other end, telling you how they are going to "help" you out of whatever they can skin you for. (2) The Return Address does reveal (in tiny type) that it is for "Private Mail Only" --- it's not a government publication, it's not a government organization, it's a private commercial debt collection based on totally false presumptions being carried out by criminal subcontractors of the US Bankruptcy Trustees, and they all need to be arrested and have their rumps permanently resettled on their shoulders.
As I have said many times, this is not a matter of politics. It is a matter of crime. Those crimes include impersonation, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, constructive fraud, inland piracy, collusion, barratry, identity theft, collusion, false claims in commerce, credit fraud, press-ganging, conspiracy against the Constitutions, commandeering of Public Vessels, securities fraud, and more.
If the perps don't want to be permanently recognized as nothing but sleazy criminals and outlaws deserving a noose, it's well-past time that they took action and directed the enforcement of the actual Public Law we are owed and did their jobs to protect us.
They can begin with closing down the "Tax Processing Centers" and expediting the removal of all these fictitious "Tax Liens" and ceasing and desisting all other attempts to collect debts that don't exist. They can also shut down the "US Bankruptcy Trustees" on a permanent basis and nationalize the banks that have been colluding with this foreign agenda on our shores.
We call upon our traditional Allies and the People of the world to join in the Housecleaning that is so obviously required; let it be peaceful, effective, and understood by everyone involved.
If you receive one of these bogus letters, open it and copy its contents front and back, and take it to your local Sheriff and the Territorial State Police and the District Attorney and the State Attorney General and the Governor and whomever else you can contact and swear out a criminal complaint demanding that these "Centers" be located and the perpetrators arrested for violations including:
Combined MUNICIPAL and Territorial Notices of Violation(s) and Failure(s) to Perform
NOTICE OF CLAIM of “sole relief and remedy” under Title 50 Section 7 (c) and (e) of 2012 and previous.
Notice of Violation of Lanham Act --- attempted attachment and seizure of Unregistered Trademarks; Title 15, Section 1125 (a)and 11.
Notice of Violation of Admiralty, Maritime and Prize Cases, Title 28, Section 1331 (1) and (2) and (12).
Notice of Violation of Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction of the United States, Title 18 Section 7 (1), (3), (8) and (13).
Notice of Violation of The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of Title 39, Sections 1-908 and 3621-3591.
Notice of Violation by Presumption of the Public Vessels Act, 46 U.S.C.A. Appendix Sections 781-790 as originally enacted.
Notice of Violation of The False Claims Act, Title 31 U.S.C.A. Section 3729 (a) and (7).
Notice of Violation of The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Title 28, Sections 1602-1611.
Notice of Violation of the United States Statutes-at-Large, Title 12, Section 411.
Notice of Administrative Failure by the IRS/Internal Revenue Service for Failure to Produce Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Vouchers and Instructions, failure to validate Proof of Claim as required by the Administrative Procedures Act, failure to provide remedy required by the Emergency Banking Act, and the United States Statutes-at-Large.
The Scammers responsible may claim that you violated Federal Mail Statutes by opening mail that wasn't "really" addressed to you, but bear in mind, that the entity being addressed doesn't really exist, and if you have done your homework and have recorded your Certificate of Assumed Names, you have control of any and every Name or NAME associated with you and your assets, including any "permutation, ordering, variation, style, or punctuation" of your names.
Time to settle this, folks; dig down to the bottom of it and throw it back in the laps of the greedy criminals responsible.
Feel free to distribute this Public Warning Notice to all and any local, state, national, and international peacekeeping officials and law enforcement officers, all politicians, all corporate officers, all bank officers, all agencies including the IRS/Internal Revenue Service, and any actual news agencies in your communities.
White Hats --- land this one on the President's Desk.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
"Tax Processing Centers" --- Public Warning Notice --- Demand for Action
Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
The latest in a long line of Tax Frauds committed by the US Territorial and Municipal US "Government" corporations is on the way.
I am referring to the advent of "Tax Processing Centers" --- these bogus private operations are springing up all over the country and forewarned is forearmed.
What appears in your mail is one of those particularly irritating letters that are glued together around the edges and that you have to deconstruct very carefully to avoid tearing.
These missives are addressed to Municipal Public Transmitting Utilities --- names that appear in ALL CAPS --- and use what appear-to-be Middle Initials, but without a period to designate it as such. Observe the form of the NAME: JOHN M DOE. The names being used now are also devoid of hyphens or other punctuation: LINDA A SMYTHE ANDERSON, instead of Linda A. Smythe-Anderson.
Their first dodge will be to announce that a "Federal" Tax Lien has been established on your property, usually at some time in the past. This will be big news to you and you will, of course, be frightened. When you run down to the Recording District you will find that yes, indeed, a mammoth Tax Lien has been filed against your property. And I do mean a Big tax lien --- often ten times the value of the property, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of "tax lien" that just appears out of the blue sky.
This is because the STATE OF COLORADO, for example, is being bankrupted as a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the UNITED STATES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. Instead of paying their taxes all these years, they have claimed exemption as a government entity, only to have it discovered that they were operating as commercial corporations and therefore not eligible for exemption.
Oh, my. So, their tax debts are being passed in domino fashion to their "presumed" Secondary Co-Signers --- JOHN M DOE and LINDA A SMYTHE ANDERSON.
None of this has anything to do with any American State National or American State Citizen, but we are being dunned just the same.
Your options are: (A) join the party and file for bankruptcy protection along with the rest of the rats, submit yourself to the tender mercies of the bankruptcy court, have the black mark of bankruptcy against your name, and hope to survive with your home, $8000 worth of personal assets, and one car per family; or (B) get on your broomstick and beat the politicians and the Queen and the Pope responsible for this situation with your pens and your law suits and your commercial claims until they decide that, perhaps, this isn't the way to do business after all. Scream bloody murder and share the news with everyone you know, or (C) do what we have been telling you to do all along, and after you have joined your State Assembly, see your State Coordinator about National Credit Redemption.
In order to make their scheme "legal" they had to provide for remedy and we have found it. The bad news is that the system supporting the effort is so old, unkempt, secretive, and rickety that moths fly out of the record books and everything concerned with redeeming the credit we are owed is painfully slow. Think: sloths on vacation, even though, to be fair, the IRS workers in charge are slaving away and doing their best.
It is a priority assignment for everyone reading this to send letters to everyone they can think of involved in the Government Corporations --- "US" Senators, Congressmen, President Trump, the US Attorney General, the UN General Secretary, the Queen, the Pope, and everyone in between --- demanding a modern National Credit Redemption Program and a special Credit Card to be issued to qualified American State Nationals --- the only Parties to whom such Redemption is officially owed. This Card is to be used to pay off mortgages, tax debts, medical bills, college loans, auto loans, and utility bills.
Once issued, the Cards can be used by the State Coordinators and others to pay off these debts for friends, neighbors, and others in our communities who are in need regardless of their political status. It's our Credit. Until the whole system is updated into the modern age, we are stuck using rubber stamps and registered mail and daily firefights with confused IRS Agents who know nothing --- absolutely nothing --- about the National Credit.
Those of us who have teeth are taking a bite out of the backsides of the perpetrators and demanding action and broad spectrum correction and are holding back our own claims to protect seniors and others who are losing their homes as a result of this impersonation fraud and the slower-than-molasses-in January response curve. Those in urgent need, need to come first. Those who aren't being billed yet need to stand down and hang on and tough it out until we prevail upon the perpetrators to modernize delivery and release the National Credit.
And everyone needs to "Bang a Gong" --- loudly enough that they can hear it in Whitehall and Saint Peters.
The next scam is a "Warrant of Distraint".
Now a "Distraint Warrant" (as opposed to a "Warrant of Distraint") is a peculiar warrant used in the United Kingdom for the collection of tax debts.
Are we in the United Kingdom?
No, didn't think so. And the rats in Whitehall who think we are in the United Kingdom need a fire lit under their tails to inform them that our generosity does not extend to "gifting" them with our continent and our National Credit.
What these scam artist Tax Processing Centers are sending out is a "Warrant of Distraint" --- a bogus "simulation of legal process" that so far as I know exists only in Montana and is enforceable only with respect to "County of ________" organizations.
Along with this completely horse-hockey Notice they announce their intention to levy your bank accounts and cause other trouble until the above referenced tax liens are paid in full. Oh, lovely. We have scam artists making up bogus tax liens and then going around to ignorant local banks and levying bank accounts based on this manure.
Everyone have your pitchforks and bonfires ready? See why the perpetrators needed 25,000 one gallon canisters of cyanide and 30,000 guillotines to kill their Priority Creditors? American Military, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mr. Trump..... UN Secretary General, Pope Francis, Lizzy?
If you don't want to be identified as the criminals in this story, you'd better get busy and release the $950 trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" Prince Philip collected in Canada ---- most of which belongs to us, and you also need to start paying out the National Credit.
If you look at the Return Address for these "Tax Processing Centers" you will see that: (1) there isn't a real Return Address. All it says is "Tax Processing Center" and then the name of your town and state. The only contact is a telephone number, and if you call it, a scam artist will be waiting on the other end, telling you how they are going to "help" you out of whatever they can skin you for. (2) The Return Address does reveal (in tiny type) that it is for "Private Mail Only" --- it's not a government publication, it's not a government organization, it's a private commercial debt collection based on totally false presumptions being carried out by criminal subcontractors of the US Bankruptcy Trustees, and they all need to be arrested and have their rumps permanently resettled on their shoulders.
As I have said many times, this is not a matter of politics. It is a matter of crime. Those crimes include impersonation, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, constructive fraud, inland piracy, collusion, barratry, identity theft, collusion, false claims in commerce, credit fraud, press-ganging, conspiracy against the Constitutions, commandeering of Public Vessels, securities fraud, and more.
If the perps don't want to be permanently recognized as nothing but sleazy criminals and outlaws deserving a noose, it's well-past time that they took action and directed the enforcement of the actual Public Law we are owed and did their jobs to protect us.
They can begin with closing down the "Tax Processing Centers" and expediting the removal of all these fictitious "Tax Liens" and ceasing and desisting all other attempts to collect debts that don't exist. They can also shut down the "US Bankruptcy Trustees" on a permanent basis and nationalize the banks that have been colluding with this foreign agenda on our shores.
We call upon our traditional Allies and the People of the world to join in the Housecleaning that is so obviously required; let it be peaceful, effective, and understood by everyone involved.
If you receive one of these bogus letters, open it and copy its contents front and back, and take it to your local Sheriff and the Territorial State Police and the District Attorney and the State Attorney General and the Governor and whomever else you can contact and swear out a criminal complaint demanding that these "Centers" be located and the perpetrators arrested for violations including:
Combined MUNICIPAL and Territorial Notices of Violation(s) and Failure(s) to Perform
NOTICE OF CLAIM of “sole relief and remedy” under Title 50 Section 7 (c) and (e) of 2012 and previous.
Notice of Violation of Lanham Act --- attempted attachment and seizure of Unregistered Trademarks; Title 15, Section 1125 (a)and 11.
Notice of Violation of Admiralty, Maritime and Prize Cases, Title 28, Section 1331 (1) and (2) and (12).
Notice of Violation of Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction of the United States, Title 18 Section 7 (1), (3), (8) and (13).
Notice of Violation of The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of Title 39, Sections 1-908 and 3621-3591.
Notice of Violation by Presumption of the Public Vessels Act, 46 U.S.C.A. Appendix Sections 781-790 as originally enacted.
Notice of Violation of The False Claims Act, Title 31 U.S.C.A. Section 3729 (a) and (7).
Notice of Violation of The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Title 28, Sections 1602-1611.
Notice of Violation of the United States Statutes-at-Large, Title 12, Section 411.
Notice of Administrative Failure by the IRS/Internal Revenue Service for Failure to Produce Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Vouchers and Instructions, failure to validate Proof of Claim as required by the Administrative Procedures Act, failure to provide remedy required by the Emergency Banking Act, and the United States Statutes-at-Large.
The Scammers responsible may claim that you violated Federal Mail Statutes by opening mail that wasn't "really" addressed to you, but bear in mind, that the entity being addressed doesn't really exist, and if you have done your homework and have recorded your Certificate of Assumed Names, you have control of any and every Name or NAME associated with you and your assets, including any "permutation, ordering, variation, style, or punctuation" of your names.
Time to settle this, folks; dig down to the bottom of it and throw it back in the laps of the greedy criminals responsible.
Feel free to distribute this Public Warning Notice to all and any local, state, national, and international peacekeeping officials and law enforcement officers, all politicians, all corporate officers, all bank officers, all agencies including the IRS/Internal Revenue Service, and any actual news agencies in your communities.
White Hats --- land this one on the President's Desk.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure