Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter. Confirmed, Patriots Shutdown The Recession - Episode 1831a They Thought They Were Safe, Nobo...

Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter.
Confirmed, Patriots Shutdown The Recession - Episode 1831a
They Thought They Were Safe, Nobody Could Touch Them, They Were Wrong - Episode 1831b
By X22Report
Published on Apr 1, 2019
EU leaders and the government of the UK are continually delaying the BREXIT, this has been the plan along, keep the country in limbo. Real estate around the world is declining rapidly, prices are falling and this is when interest rates are close to zero. Durable good order decline. The [CB] economy is failing, it is falling apart around the world, the patriots knew they needed to create stimulus and it just so happened that China provided the stimulus and now the recession has been put off.
Trump is now putting off the new health care plan, congress is not with him and he needs to drain the swamp first. Biden is having trouble accusers are coming forward, but this is not his only problem. FBI refuses to hand over the emails from CNN when they conducted the raid on Roger Stone. The [DS] wants the full Mueller report, they need something on Trump and they believe its in the report, they are going to be very surprised when they receive the report. Mexico steps up and shutsdown the caravan, Trump exposes the D's. A Chinese woman was able to get into Mar-a-Lago, she was carrying a computer and thumbnail drive.
[OpDis Editor Note: X22 Report reviews current geopolitical and economical events as well as Q-related news, Trump, and the fall of the Deep State. X22 Report is another YouTube channel I recommend to listen if you want to be kept up-to-date on what's currently happening. In this episode, we see how the EU is continually delaying Brexit, real estate worldwide is in decline, prices are falling. These are signs that the Central Bank run global economy is failing. Also, we see how the Deep State wants the full Mueller report in desperation to find any sort of dirt on Trump. Mexico stepped up and is now shutting down the migrant caravan. A Chinese woman was spotted entering Mar-a-Lago carrying a computer and a USB drive.]
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