BATR: Golan Heights Oil all about the Shekels

Golan Heights Oil all about the Shekels When the Zionists absorbed the Syrian Golan Heights during the Six-Day War of 1967, most of the po...

Golan Heights Oil all about the Shekels

When the Zionists absorbed the Syrian Golan Heights during the Six-Day War of 1967, most of the postmortems proclaimed that Israel was establishing a defensive barrier that would prevent future assaults. Well, guarding the territory on high may discourage artillery attacks might resonate with proponents of a Jewish state, most of the rest of the world condemns the illegal occupation. Now that President Trump has capitulated to the Neocon Israel-First State Department by recognizing the integration of the Golan Heights as part of the imperial Israeli dynasty, the dooms day clock approaches rapidly towards Armageddon.

After losing the annihilation of the Syrian Bashar al-Assad regime, the eternal Shylock motivations shift to exploit the oil and gas reserves that have been handed out to several of their supporters and loyal operatives. Do not hold your breath for objective reporting on the financial inside dealings to line the pockets by exploiting the natural resources of Syria.

This RT video, Cheney, Murdoch, Rothschild unlawfully dig for oil in Syria is a good overview of the circumstances that are behind the Zionist efforts to establish a Greater Israel dominance in the Middle East.

The inside involvements of Jared Kushner are referenced in Oil profits grease Trump administration’s move to recognize Israeli annexation of Golan.

"Another driving influence is the close connections between Trump’s inner circle and the Genie Energy company. Former president of the company is Ira Greenstein, a lawyer who is close to the Kushner family through mutual business interests. Greenstein was brought into the White House advisory circle as a legal aide reportedly through his connections to Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law. Observers have noted that revolving-door relation is a stark and potentially illegal conflict of interest in the White House.

The cozy overlap of connections include Gary Cohn, a former chief executive at Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs and who until last year served as Trump’s economic adviser. Goldman Sachs was reportedly a major investor in Genie Energy. Trump’s Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt is also reportedly another major investor in Genie."

The obvious greed to capture the loot motivates the money changers. That's not new. However, the naked absorption of Syrian territory to extract black liquid gold has substantial consequences. Yes, the Genie is out of the bottle and it will lead to a horrific conflict to put the cork back in place.

E. Michael Jones provides his analysis on The Trump Administration on Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights. This video adds to the discomfort of misguided Christian-Zionists.

As long as political cohorts for Israel remain in denial, the prospects for a rational and prudent Middle East foreign policy will never immerge. Benjamin Netanyahu praises Trump at every opportunity to wrap himself in the shadow of his evangelist supporters. Much of Mr. Jones' work corrects fundamental errors in the misreading of Bible prophecy. Confused Christians that accept an Israel-First policy are egregious chumps to a political faction that falsely claim to be the embodiment of the 'Chosen People'.

Lastly, the Honest News Network offers an expanded Biblical outlook on ISRAEL ZIONISM GENIE ENERGY THE GOLAN. Without a broad command of a correct historic account, understanding the political realities is impossible.

It is most regretful that President Trump has been sucked into the muck of the apostate heretics. Since he has recognized the moving of the Israeli capital to Jerusalem and now the incorporation of the Golan Heights into the state of Israel; what could be next? If you ever hear that building the Third Temple on the site of a razed Dome of the Rock, get ready for the Dispensationalists to depart on their Pre-Trib Rapture.

Trump may be in need of an Exorcism. Paul Craig Roberts sums up in his usual excellent manner in Trump Is America’s First Zionist President.

"It is not clear how Trump has benefited from his groveling. If polls can be believed, Trump’s pandering has done him no good with American Jews, 70% of whom disapprove of Trump. Moreover, the Israel Lobby failed to use its influence to silence the presstitutes false “Russiagate” accusations against Trump. Perhaps the Lobby wanted to keep Trump in a weak position in order to extract more concessions from him.

Nevertheless, by terminating US aid to Palestinians and by being the only head of state to fully recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and to assign Syrian territory to Israel, Trump has established a US relationship with Israeli Zionism that the US has with no other state and that Israel has with no other state. On any issue that pertains to Israel’s interest, Trump has placed US foreign policy into Israel’s hands.

Various diplomats and analysts are saying that Trump gifted the Golan Heights to Israel in order to help out Netanyahu who faces indictment for corruption. I think the explanation is that the neoconservatives running US foreign policy are Zionists and that the only ally Trump has, other than the remnants of the American working class now dismissed as “white supremacists,” is the Israel Lobby."

The Golan Heights may well be the jumping off point for the ecstasy challenged. But when it comes to realpolitik the development of the Syrian oil and gas fields by the Israeli cronies only adds to the hatred that they generate from the rest of the world.

The Times of Israel article, Druze protest in Golan against Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty, illustrates the failure of the U.S. Neocon foreign policy.

"Trump’s recognition caught officials in Israel and the United States off-guard, according to the McClatchy news agency.

Quoting unnamed White House officials, the news agency said Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton was a key force behind the move following his visit to Israel in January, seeing it as a signal the US remained committed to Israel in the wake of Trump’s announcement of a US troop pullout from Syria."

This continued surrender to the Zionists will never lead to peace or a long abandoned two state resolution for Palestine.

SARTRE - March 26, 2019

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Operation Disclosure: BATR: Golan Heights Oil all about the Shekels
BATR: Golan Heights Oil all about the Shekels
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